Lost Ark is an expansive and action-packed MMO that’s a fantastic blend of traditional MMO mechanics expertly mixed with fluidity and action-packed ARPG combat similar to the likes of Diablo.
And who doesn’t love the jaw-dropping, stunning character models and ever-growing list of waifus to pine over?
But as is the nature of these types of games, one of the most important aspects when you’re just getting started is identifying the most powerful and effective classes in the current meta.
So today, we’re diving deep into Lost Ark’s classes and archetypes with the latest Lost Ark Tier List! We’ve included both the overall Lost Ark Class Tier List as well as the individual class types to get a better idea of the most powerful & consistent playstyles.
And if you’re looking for a place to buy Lost Ark Gold to ball out in-game at affordable prices, U7BUY is the place to check out!
That being said, let’s get straight into it!
Lost Ark Tier List Class(Archetype)
Before we get into the Lost Ark tier list, we’d like to mention that while there are better ‘performers’ overall, all classes and specializations are equally viable in the game. These are marginal differences in terms of versatility, utility, and overall power differentials.
If you have a preferred playstyle like being an agile rogue, dashing around the battlefield, suddenly playing as a tanky, slower-paced warrior isn’t going to be a whole lot of fun. Just because they’ve ranked ‘highly’ doesn’t mean it’ll suit how you want to play the game.
That said, here’s the best overall archetype of classes in Lost Ark right now:
- S-Tier: Mage, Warrior
- A-Tier: Gunner, Specialist, Assassin
- B-Tier: Martial Artist
We’ve ranked these according to how each class’s specializations rank in our Lost Ark tier list below as a way to gauge which classes and playstyles are ranking high in the meta right now.
As a brief overview, the Mage class is one of the top classes in terms of raw damage output and potential so if that’s what you’re after, then you can’t go wrong with any of the Mage specializations in Lost Ark.
Lost Ark Tier List (Specializations)
Now that you know which classes are reigning at the top of Lost Ark, we’ll also highlight our Specialization Lost Ark Tier List so you can go through and pick the class that suits your playstyle best.
There are currently 26 specializations in Lost Ark so there are plenty of different abilities and classes to choose from. Here’s a quick rundown of what each tier on the list means –
- S-Tier – The upper echelons of Lost Ark with the most powerful kits, utility, and overall viability in either PvE or PvP content. You can’t go wrong with mastering one of these classes.
- A-Tier – Still extremely viable classes but there are minor hiccups in their kit which make them not as OP as the S-Tier classes. Still, A-Tier classes are extremely powerful in the right hands, and can even surpass the S-Tier in some scenarios.
- B-Tier – These are the ‘average’ classes that don’t do anything overwhelmingly great or abysmally bad. They’re solid in most circumstances but are otherwise outperformed by higher-tier classes.
- C-Tier – Underutilize, underpowered, or niche abilities that most players would find difficult to use optimally. Not for the faint of heart, but if you adore their overall class and character design, go for it.
Lost Ark Specializations Tier List
- S – Tier – Paladin, Artist, Slayer, Bard, Sorceress
- A – Tier – Berserker, Artillerist, Arcanist, Gunlancer, Bard, Breaker, Deathblade, Summoner, Striker, Reaper, Destroyer, Soul Eater,
- B – Tier – Gunslinger, Glaivier, Wardancer, Shadowhunter, Aeromancer,
- C – Tier – Scrapper, Soulfist, Machinist, Sharpshooter,
S-Tier Classes Breakdown
Here’s an overview of each of the S-Tier classes and what they bring to the table.
If you’re eyeing a new character in one of these classes but can’t be bothered grinding, check out U7BUY’s Lost Ark Store to find an account or boosting services to help you max out your characters!
The Paladin class is one of the most versatile and powerful classes in the current meta in both PvE and PvP content. His entire kit is catered to being a powerful support with damage buffs and sustaining your party.
This is an integral part of any party, making the Paladin a clear choice to not only tank and keep your squad alive, but also buff their DPS potential. And for a ‘support’ character, the Paladin can dish out some heavy damage when required adding to his already outstanding skilset.
The Artist class is a unique support class wielding an oversized paintbrush to unleash utter devastation on her foes. The Artist focuses on healing, providing damage buffs, and shielding. In particular, the Artist class has one of the highest single-target heals in Lost Ark, making her indispensable in content that requires a tank character.
If you prefer playing support classes, the Artist is one of the best in class.
Moving on to damage dealers we’ve got Slayer, the ‘female’ Berserker that’ll quite literally make you go ‘berserk’ (ifykyk). Slayer is a melee damage dealer who likes to get close to dish out crazy damage on her enemies.
She’s got high mobility and her animations and SFX are some of the best in-game.
Not to mention some of her skills have ridiculous range, so she can compensate for typical close-range combat with some substantial damage at a distance. The Slayer class’s burst damage is also some of the best in the game, making her a top pick for players who prefer dealing massive amounts of damage.
The Bard class is one of the best healers in the game and in the truest sense of a ‘healer’, she’s one of the only options in the game. Not only does the Bard have heals, but they also have great utility with damage increase buffs, shields, heal over time, and more!
Bards can also unleash long-range skills to back up her party while making sure everyone stays alive and doing massive damage. She’ll take some getting used to since she specializes in ‘burst-buffs’ meaning incredibly powerful buffs that last for shorter durations.
You’ll have to time the buffs correctly and keep an eye on your cooldowns to play her effectively.
The Sorceress class is probably the most familiar for ARPG and traditional MMO fans specializing in long-range, powerful spells to obliterate her enemies. She has great options for attacks including consistent damage dealers and powerful burst damage spells.
And the Sorceress also has great mobility in case she needs to escape a horde of enemies. However since she focuses on long-range damage, you’ll need to make sure she isn’t caught up in the middle of a fight since she’ll be utterly destroyed in a matter of seconds.
But besides that, the Sorceress is one of the most OP damage dealers in Lost Ark right now, making her a great class choice for players looking for the classic ‘Mage’ experience.
And that’s pretty much everything we’ve got for our Lost Ark tier list and we hope you’ve found a new class to dive into! And remember, if you need a top-up of Lost Ark Gold or more game currencies from your other favorite games, U7BUY has got your back!