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Why Sell Genshin Impact Account?

Getting tired of your Genshin Impact account? Why don't you sell it and get some money? Players sell Genshin accounts for many reasons. These are the four main reasons that people sell Genshin Impact accounts.

Firstly, they don't want to play this game anymore. Usually, this kind of person is more likely to sell Genshin Impact accounts and play other games.

Thirdly, people may get interested in other games and want to sell their Genshin Impact account for money and invest it into the game.

Fourth, people have emergent events and need money also sell the Genshin Impact account.

How to Evaluate Genshin Impact Account Value?

If you want to know the value of your Genshin Impact Account, You can focus on the key points mentioned below:

1. Adventure Rank. It costs players a lot of time, energy, and money to have a high adventure rank. And the higher your Genshin Impact account adventure rank is, the more money it can be sold.

2. Account type. The type of your Genshin Impact account can have a huge influence on its value. It can be divided into 4 kinds of accounts, multiple 5-star accounts, self-drawing accounts, one 5-star account, and two 5-star accounts. Genshin Impact's account ranking in the former is more expensive than those ranking in the latter when the other things are the same.

3. 5-Star Characters amount. The five-star characters amount is also important when evaluating the Genshin Impact account. The more you have, the more money your Genshin Impact can sell.

4. Primogems. Primogems is a kind of currency in Genshin Impact. It can be used to replenish original resin, buy acquaint fate, purchase battle pass levels, and so on.

5. Acquaint Fate. It can be used for standard wishes. And it also can be bought by Primogems.

Why Sell Genshin Impact Account on U7BUY?

Players may want to sell their Genshin Impact accounts for many reasons as I mentioned above, and it's very necessary to find a reliable platform. In this case, I strongly recommend the U7BUY website for your selling Genshin Impact accounts.

For starters, U7BUY is a reliable website that has been cultivated in this area for many years. Our abundant customers always choose us for their Genshin Impact account needs, and we always get good feedback. Secondly, we offer 24/7 service so you can solve any questions at any time. Thirdly, players can choose any kind of payment method they want, and we ensure the payment process is 100% safe.

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