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Why Sell PUBG Mobile Account?

It sounds incredible to make money playing games, right? But it's true! By selling PUBG Mobile account, you can make a profit from it. The better your PUBG Mobile account, the higher your price. If you're tired of the game, selling PUBG account is a great way to make your time and money pay off. If you don't have the time and energy to continue playing PUBG Mobile, then you can use the money from selling your account to invest in other things, such as new hobbies, other games, etc., which will better help you get started.

How to Evaluate PUBG Mobile Account Value?

There are several factors to consider in evaluating the value of a PUBG Mobile account, the most important of which are account level, account rank, Royale Pass, and rarity of items.

1. Account level: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile account level represents the progress of the account, and also indicates the time and effort the player has invested in the game. The higher the PUBG account level, the more missions proven to be completed, and the more game rewards will be earned. 

2. Account rank: PUBG Mobile account rank is one of the most important factors affecting PUBG Mobile accounts. Evaluate the account rank by considering the highest rank achieved, such as Conqueror, Ace, Crown, etc. A higher rank usually indicates a more valuable PUBG Mobile account. 

3. Royale Pass: Royale Pass can be purchased every season, as players complete missions or level up, players can unlock more rewards, and high-level Royale Pass may even have rare items. Since Royale Passes are purchased on a season-by-season basis, Royale Pass rewards are likely to be limited-time items that may be difficult to obtain after the season is over. 

4. Items: PUBG Mobile items largely affect the value of the PUBG Mobile account, the more items the account is worth. In addition, some buyers buy PUBG accounts to own mythic items such as the M416 Glacier and Hellfire AKM. Mythic items are the rarest items in PUBG Mobile, these items have unique effects or designs, and if your PUBG Mobile account comes with rare items, you can sell PUBG Mobile account for a good price.

Why Sell PUBG Account on U7BUY?

U7BUY is a professional online trading platform with 24/7 customer service and safe trading process. If you want to sell PUBG Mobile accounts, U7BUY is your best choice!

1. U7BUY is an experienced platform, committed to providing a safe platform for both buyers and sellers, and we will protect customers' private information. 

2. U7BUY offers mainstream payment methods and currencies, which is convenient for you to withdraw money quickly and conveniently. 

3. There is no need to worry about any problems in the sale process, U7BUY provides you with professional guidance throughout the process.

Cosas que Debes Saber
  • Tarifa de Transacción
    Hay una promoción por tiempo limitado en la que NO se aplicará una tarifa de transacción a los vendedores, pero volverá a ser del 5% cuando termine la promoción.
  • Métodos de Retiro
    Se admiten Payoneer, Paypal, Transferencia Bancaria, Skrill, Alipay, así como múltiples opciones de moneda.
  • Cuidado para los Vendedores
    Realizamos auditorías estrictas a los vendedores y les brindamos orientación y asistencia integral durante todo el proceso de venta. De esta manera, se garantiza la profesionalidad de los vendedores y la satisfacción del cliente.
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