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About Ravendawn Subscription

Ravendawn is a free-to-play MMORPG with an optional subscription called Ravendawn Patron. The Ravendawn Patron includes multiple features that can make your gaming experience smoother and easier, but don't affect the balance of the game.
There are 3 options for Ravendawn Premium subscription.
30 days Patron - $7.99 - You can enjoy free fast travel, reduced marketplace fees, additional rewards from quests premium colors and badges in chat, faster company cooldown for ranger players, more available cosmetics, and don't need to queue when logging.
180 days Patron - $42.99 - The benefits are the same as the 30-day plan.
360 days Patron - $76.99 - Except for the benefits above, you can also choose a free companion for your home.

Why You Should Buy a Ravendawn Premium Subscription Gift Card?

As you can see, the Ravendawn Patron only provides quality-of-life features and is free from pay-to-win elements. Although players who have purchased Ravendawn Patron will progress faster than free players, this slight advantage will not affect the outcome of PVP gameplay. If you want to make your gaming experience easier and more enjoyable, then subscribing to Ravendawn Patron is a good choice.
A Ravendawn Patron gift card is also a perfect gift for your friends who are also a fan of Ravendawn. And of course, you can redeem it for your own account. The good thing is that the Ravendawn subscription gift card doesn't expire, you redeem it at any time you want.

How to Redeem Ravendawn Patron Gift Card?

It's easy to use a Ravendawn Patron Gift Card. Just follow the steps.
1. Go to and log in to your Ravendawn account.
2. Find the Code Here field in the Claim Code section.
3. Insert the Gift Card code and click on Claim Code.
4. The Ravendawn Patron subscription will be added to your account.

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