5 Best Tips in Apex Legends

Do you want to master your Apex Legends journey? Whether you’re a first-timer or a seasoned player, arming yourself with the best tips and tricks is key. Dive into our curated list to enhance your gameplay from the get-go.
Let’s level up your Apex Legends experience!

Tip 1: Choosing the Right Legend

Before diving into Apex Legends, selecting the right Legend is crucial. With six unlocked for beginners, here’s a brief overview of three excellent starting options:


Known for her exceptional mobility, Bangalore’s Smoke Launcher provides strategic cover for escapes or blindsiding enemies. Her Double Time passive boosts run speed after taking hits, and her artillery ultimate is a formidable force. Additionally, she’s informative, offering insights on pinged items.


A versatile support, Lifeline’s healing drone and Combat Revive passive make her an asset in team survival. Despite a lengthy ultimate charge, her care package delivers valuable items. Her small size adds to her agility, making her a challenging target.


Though his size makes him an easy target, Gibraltar’s recent buffs enhance his survivability. The Gun Shield and Dome of Protection provide vital shields, while his mortar strike ultimate, though challenging to use, adds offensive capabilities. A solid choice for beginners focused on defense.


Striking a balance, Bloodhound’s tactical ability reveals enemies in a wide cone, aiding in tracking movements during fights. The passive tracking ability, activated by following clues like footprints, adds a unique dimension. The ultimate boosts speed highlights enemies, and alters vision, providing a tactical advantage.

Tip 2: Master the Landings

Securing the first landing in Apex is a race against the clock and other squads. The stress of being a jumpmaster is common, but with the right techniques, it becomes a strategic advantage. To land swiftly, control your descent speed by pointing towards your destination and intermittently looking down to gain momentum.
For beginners, two landing strategies are recommended:

Hot Drops for Action

Dive into intense combat by landing at popular, high-traffic locations. Expect swift engagements, providing valuable combat experience. While deaths may be frequent, it’s an opportunity to hone your combat skills.

Safer Landings for Beginners

Opt for a more cautious approach by waiting on the dropship before selecting a landing spot away from the main path. This method allows your squad additional time for looting and minimizes immediate confrontations. Be cautious, as other squads might still track your descent.

Tip 3: Teammate Rescues

When a squad member goes down in Apex Legends, don’t rush to disconnect; there is still a chance of coming back into the game. Before a player’s death, they enter a downed state, offering a chance for revival by interacting with them. Once fully down, their banner becomes retrievable from the death box or via Crypto’s drone. Green-dotted revive beacons scattered across the map serve as resurrection points. Carry the banner to one, initiate a brief interaction, and watch your teammate respawn via drop ship.
Alternatively, the mobile respawn beacon, introduced later, enables revival anywhere on the map. Exercise caution, though, as respawn ships are conspicuous and may attract unwanted attention.

Tip 4: Tactical Door Mastery

Doors in Apex Legends aren’t just entrances; they’re valuable cover, offering strategic advantages. When closed, doors become a shield – block them with your body to thwart entry. While enemies can break doors with kicks or grenades, this tactic buys you crucial moments for healing, provided no adversary is already on the other side.
Avoid the common mistake of breaking doors with kicks; the lengthy post-break animation leaves you vulnerable. For a tactical edge, crouch before shooting through a recently broken door to catch opponents off guard. Doors also function as bulletproof barriers, preventing shots from penetrating.

Tip 5: Top Firearms Picks for Beginners

In Apex Legends, mastering the game’s weaponry is crucial, but the meta might not align with your starting skills. For beginners, consider these reliable firearms:


Its ample ammo capacity is forgiving for those honing their aim, despite a lower fire rate.


Despite a recent Season 9 nerf, this shotgun remains potent, providing solid close-range firepower.


A versatile sniper with a fast fire rate, perfect for making that initial shot count, and the Skullpiercer attachment increases headshot damage.


A consistent light ammo assault rifle for short to mid-range combat. As the match progresses, consider swapping to the R-99 for rapid-fire in close quarters, especially towards the end. Be wary of the R-99’s recoil and the necessity of an extended light mag.
These selections offer a balanced mix for beginners, allowing you to focus on improving your skills without grappling with complex weapon mechanics.

Enhancing Your Experience

Explore a range of Apex accounts on U7buy, a platform dedicated to enhancing your gaming experience. With varying levels, legends, and in-game resources, U7buy provides a convenient gateway to elevate your Apex Legends journey. Browse through their selection and find the perfect account to suit your playstyle and aspirations.


Mastering Apex Legends is a journey of strategy, skill, and adaptation. Whether you’re fine-tuning your landing techniques, reviving teammates, or selecting the optimal weapons, each tip plays a crucial role in your evolution as a player. Remember, the Legends you choose, the doors you manipulate, and the firearms you wield are all key elements shaping your success in the fast-paced world of Apex Games.