Best 5 Tips for Escape From Tarkov: 2023 Guide

For those venturing into Escape From Tarkov for the first time, there’s no better opportunity to dive in. To help you navigate the challenges and maximize your survival chances, we’ve compiled a list of the five best tips for beginners. These insights could very well be the key to ensuring your survival in the harsh landscapes of Tarkov. We’ve kept it simple so it’s easy for you to follow along.
Let’s get started!

5. Understand the Scav and PMC Dynamics

Newcomers to Escape From Tarkov often grapple with the initial confusion surrounding Scavs and PMCs, the two distinct entities shaping the game’s landscape.


Scavs, or playable NPCs, add a layer of complexity to Tarkov raids. Loaded into ongoing missions, Scavs wield modest load-outs ranging from pistols to shotguns. As a Scav player, you have the freedom to exit a raid at your discretion, retaining any acquired loot. Friendly fire isn’t a concern among AI Scavs; your sole focus should be on targeting PMCs.


PMC, short for Player Main Character, represents the character you equip with gear obtained from successful raids. As a PMC, every encounter poses a threat, as death results in the loss of all acquired gear. Mitigating this risk, you can opt to Insure your gear before embarking on a raid for a fee.

 This insurance policy ensures the return of any untouched loot 24 hours after your demise. It’s a strategic gamble – if your body remains untouched, you reclaim your equipment; if looted, you pay the fee for a lesson learned.

Scav Advantage: Learning and Exploring

For beginners, a key strategy involves maximizing playtime as a Scav. This approach not only allows you to explore maps with reduced fear of losing gear but also serves as a low-risk opportunity to familiarize yourself with the intricate details of Tarkov’s complex landscapes. Embrace the Scav experience to hone your skills, navigate the maps efficiently, and build confidence in the game’s early stages.

4. Mastering the Art of Extraction

Extraction is a pivotal aspect of Escape From Tarkov, regardless of whether you’re stepping into the fray as a Scav or a PMC. The process of successfully leaving a raid involves locating extraction points, a task that can be both critical and challenging.

Mapping Your Exit: Extracting Wisely

Extraction points, scattered throughout each map, typically hug the perimeter. Regardless of your character type, understanding these extraction locations is paramount for a successful raid exit. To unveil the accessible extraction points, a quick double-tap of “O” will reveal the options at your disposal.

Preparation is Key

While Escape From Tarkov provides a list of extraction points, it leaves the crucial information of their whereabouts to the players. To navigate this challenge, a valuable tip for beginners is to load a map with extraction locations on external platforms like Google. This proactive measure ensures that, when the time comes to exit the raid, you’re not left scrambling in a panic, desperately searching for the elusive extraction point.

3. Tactical Healing Insights

In Escape from Tarkov, mastery of gunplay is crucial, but so is understanding the intricate healing system. Tarkov introduces a nuanced medical system where specific injuries demand specific remedies.

Quick Guide to Healing

To streamline your understanding of Tarkov’s medical intricacies, refer to a handy chart detailing each medication’s purpose and its corresponding injury resolution. Save time and skip the guesswork by consulting this chart to efficiently address various wounds.

Pre-Paining Strategy

A top-tier tip for beginners is the Pre-paining strategy. Administering a painkiller before entering combat or anticipating a fight can be a game-changer. This proactive approach safeguards against impediments like a broken leg hindering movement or an injured arm affecting your aim.

2. Mastering Ammo and Armor

For newcomers in Escape from Tarkov, the importance of ammunition often goes unnoticed. With a staggering variety of over 100 ammo types, not all bullets are created equal. A crucial tip for beginners is understanding which ammo types excel at penetrating the game’s six armor levels.

Piercing Power Matters

To enhance your survivability, prioritize learning about the Penetration Power of different ammo types. This critical knowledge will guide you in selecting ammunition capable of piercing varying levels of armor. For a quick reference, consult a comprehensive guide detailing the optimal ammo choices for each firearm.

Invest in Quality

While cost may tempt you to opt for cheaper ammo, it’s a trade-off you may regret. Investing in quality ammunition significantly improves your success rate in engagements. Similarly, don’t skimp on armor. Choosing robust armor increases your chances of surviving encounters and ensures you don’t get taken out with a single shot.

1. Conquering Gear Fear

While a plethora of tips await novice Tarkov players, there’s one overarching challenge that every player must confront—gear fear. The reluctance to use valuable gear out of fear of losing it is a common hurdle, yet it’s essential to recognize that in Tarkov, loot comes and goes.

Embrace the Tarkov Way

The ultimate tip for beginners is to confront and overcome gear fear. Progress in the game is intricately tied to obtaining, using, and sometimes losing gear. Avoiding conflict or clinging to subpar gear won’t lead to success or progress. To truly thrive in Tarkov, push past the fear, engage in combat, and embrace the unpredictable nature of the game.

Bold Actions, Better Rewards

Success in Tarkov comes from pushing toward shots, engaging other players, and shedding concerns about losing your gear. Embracing this mindset not only builds confidence but also accelerates your improvement in the game. As you become more comfortable facing high-pressure gunfights, your gameplay will evolve, and your gear will reflect the progress.

Elevating Your Experience with U7BUY

U7BUY’s EFT boosting service is a game-changer for beginners looking to level up, conquer quests, and acquire advanced gear swiftly. With expert assistance, this service streamlines the learning curve, providing a smoother and more enjoyable journey through Tarkov’s challenging landscapes. You can check out their website for more information.


In the volatile world of Escape From Tarkov, arming yourself with knowledge and honing your skills is paramount. Whether embracing the chaos solo or opting for expert assistance through services like U7BUY, the journey is yours to conquer.