Comprehensive Guide to Pokemon GO Routes

Plan your journey to showcase your beloved landmarks or follow the paths of fellow Trainers to discover their favorite spots. These routes are crafted by daring Trainers, much like yourself! Picture the possibilities as you traverse another Trainer’s route—could it lead to an encounter with your cherished Pokemon perhaps a newfound companion for Raid Battles? Join a route and unravel the mysteries!

Following these routes will not only introduce you to Mateo and his gift exchange but also enable you to collect Zygarde Cells along the way!

Exploring Routes: A Defined Path to Adventure

Discover the world of Routes, predetermined paths that guide your exploration. Whether crafted by Niantic, official partners, or fellow Trainers, these routes offer a structured adventure for all.

Trainer-Created Paths

Join the community of Trainers shaping the Pokemon GO experience. Craft your own routes, share your favorite spots, and lead others on a unique journey through the virtual world.

Bounties Along the Way

As you traverse these pre-defined paths, anticipate exciting encounters with Pokemon and the chance to uncover valuable items. Each step brings the promise of new discoveries.

Route Rewards

The completion of a route is not just a journey’s end but the beginning of rewards. Earn badges associated with specific routes, each featuring a custom photo captured from the route’s start or end point.

Navigating Routes: A Step-by-Step Guide

Access the Binoculars menu and navigate to the Route tab. Here, you’ll find a list of nearby locations serving as the starting points for various Routes. Expand your exploration by tapping “See Nearby Routes” to reveal a map and a comprehensive list of available Routes.

Sorting and Filtering Options

Effortlessly tailor your exploration experience by tapping the flag button in the bottom right corner while browsing the Routes list. Customize the display to your preferences, with default settings showcasing the Routes closest to your current location.

Previewing Routes

Get a sneak peek into the world of each Route by tapping on your selected option. Access key details such as the number of Trainers who have ventured along the same path, your personal history with the Route, the total distance, and an estimated completion time.

Trainer-Provided Insights

Delve deeper into the Route’s specifics by scrolling down the page. Uncover valuable insights from fellow Trainers, including a detailed Route description, any associated Route Tags, elevation changes, and information about the original Route creator.

Returning to Route Options

Navigate seamlessly between Routes by tapping the exit button in the top left corner, ensuring a user-friendly experience as you explore the diverse array of available Routes.

Creating a Route

You can easily create a route by following these steps:

  1. Select a PokéStop or Gym as your starting point.
  2. Initiate recording to map your Route.
  3. Provide necessary information about your Route.
  4. Submit for review, and once accepted, fellow Trainers can start following your Route!

Discovering Local Routes

Navigate to the Nearby menu and explore the Route tab to discover a variety of local Routes. Choose the one that piques your interest and get ready for an adventure.

Initiating Your Journey

Once you’ve found the perfect Route, tap the Follow button to begin. Keep in mind that the Route won’t start until you’ve moved close enough to the designated starting point, as indicated by a message on the Map View.

Following the Path

Identify the Route start point with a blue flag above the corresponding PokéStop on the Map View. The Route will automatically commence when you’re in close proximity to the starting point. If you’re already nearby, the Route begins immediately.

Navigation and Progress

Follow the marked path on the Map View to progress through the Route. The path changes color to signify your advancement. Depending on the creator’s choices during the creation process, some Routes are one-way, while others can be followed in reverse or form a loop. Tap the Route icon above the Binoculars menu for real-time details on your active Route.

Managing Your Journey

Pause the Route whenever needed by tapping the Pause Route button on the page. To resume, return to your paused location and tap the button again. To exit the Route, scroll to the bottom of the Route details screen and tap Quit Route. Confirm your decision by tapping Quit Route once more on the confirmation screen.

Discovering Zygarde Cells

Keep a keen eye during your Route exploration—Zygarde Cells might appear! Encounter these glowing orbs up to three times per day, typically located towards the end of your Route.

Collection Alert

Identify Zygarde Cells as glowing orbs and ensure to click on them before concluding your Route. Collect these cells to enhance your Zygarde Cube, a crucial component for altering Zygarde’s form.

Unlocking Its Potential

Accumulate Zygarde Cells in your Zygarde Cube, utilizing them to trigger transformations in Zygarde’s form. Unleash the potential of the Order Pokemon by harnessing these unique components.

Special Research Opportunity

Embark on the “From A to Zygarde” Special Research story to encounter Zygarde and further explore its intriguing narrative. Dive into the quest and uncover the secrets of this legendary Pokémon.

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As you traverse the diverse Routes in Pokemon GO, from creating your own to following those crafted by fellow Trainers, the world of exploration unfolds. Collect Zygarde Cells, earn badges, and discover the unique stories each Route has to offer.