Elden Ring Guide to Samurai Class

Elden Ring Guide to Samurai Class

Elden Ring Samurai class is a top choice for players looking for a well-rounded class. It is equipped with Longbow and Uchigatana, making it good for close and long-range fights. Depending on your situation, this gives you a better choice to use your unique playstyle. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of the Samurai Class, equipping you with the knowledge needed to master its unique abilities and excel in the unforgiving landscapes of the Elden Ring. So, without further ado, let’s delve into the captivating world of the Elden Ring Samurai Class and uncover its secrets.

About the Samurai Class

The Samurai is skilled in short- and long-distance fights, wielding a Uchigatana for close combat and a Longbow for attacking distant enemies. Alongside the Lands of Reeds gear, you’re supplied with a handful of arrows, facilitating immediate engagement in ranged battles. Although the class favors Dexterity, incorporating Strength grants flexibility in weapon selection. For those stepping into Elden Ring or the Souls franchise for the first time, opting for the Golden Seeds during character setup grants an additional healing or mana potion, offering a vital edge in early survival endeavors. Now, we will discuss which Elden Ring Samurai Class attributes are recommended and why.

Recommendations for Samurai Class Attributes

For optimal combat performance, it’s vital to strategically allocate attribute points for the Samurai class in the Elden Ring. During the early stages of the game, emphasis should be placed on these specific attributes:

  • Vigor: This boosts health, which is crucial for surviving close combat encounters.
  • Mind: Investing in the Mind helps manage ability usage effectively, maintaining a balance between healing and mana restoration.
  • Dexterity: This improves the damage output with the Uchigatana and enhances proficiency with bows.
  • Strength: While prioritizing Dexterity, allocating some points to Strength expands the range of viable weapon choices.

Initially, your focus should primarily be on Vigor and Mind, as the benefits from Strength and Dexterity are more pronounced once your weapon is upgraded. However, if you opt for the Nagakiba, swiftly reaching 22 Dexterity and 18 Strength is imperative.

Elden Ring Samurai Attributes

Combat Strategy

Mastering the Samurai art requires a keen understanding of strategic engagements, alternating between Longbow usage for ranged assaults and Uchigatana usage for up-close confrontations. Prioritize softening up formidable enemies from afar with precision Longbow shots, strategically weakening their defenses before initiating close-quarters combat. Leveraging the Mighty Shot technique proves invaluable, delivering substantial damage at a minimal cost to your FP reserves.

The Uchigatana is more than a mere blade; it embodies the Samurai’s lethal finesse, perfectly complementing the Longbow’s accuracy. Its swift and lethal strikes excel in close combat, inflicting additional harm through relentless bleed effects. Mastering the art of Unsheathe is crucial for maximizing damage output while inducing enemy stagger. The L2/R2 attack sequence associated with Unsheathe is an ideal opener, allowing for a seamless transition from defensive to offensive maneuvers.

Managing Your Resources

At first, Samurai Class players may struggle to find enough arrows. It’s essential to efficiently manage and gather arrows to maintain proficiency in ranged combat. Crafting arrows can be a useful solution but requires accessing the crafting menu. To craft arrows, you’ll need a Crafting Kit, available for purchase from Merchant Kalé for 300 Runes at the Church of Elleh in Limgrave. Additionally, you’ll need bones to create bone arrows.

Initially, craft arrows using bones obtained from animals. As you amass more runes, consider buying arrows in bulk for a more efficient use of time and resources. In the early stages, a prime spot for gathering materials for arrow crafting is near the Gatefront Ruins, especially near a group of trees where sheep tend to gather to the south.

Upgrading the Gears

For the ever-evolving Samurai Class in Elden Ring, it’s crucial to maintain equipment, discern upgrade timings, and determine valuable possessions. Unlike traditional leveling systems, Elden Ring emphasizes the importance of enhancements. Regularly improving the Uchigatana and Longbow is key to boosting damage output, with a secondary focus on leveling stats aligned with these weapons. 

Keep watch for Smithing Stones scattered across the Lands Between to ensure weapon advancement matches the rising difficulty curve. Locations like Stormhill, inhabited by Trolls, and Limgrave Tunnels offer early opportunities for gathering an abundance of Smithing Stones.

Elden Ring Guide to Samurai Gears

Tips & Tricks that You Should Know

  • Mastery as a Samurai in Elden Ring hinges on understanding enemy behaviors and adapting tactics accordingly.
  • Choose between aggressive close-quarters combat or employing ranged strategies based on the situation.
  • Utilize the Uchigatana’s Unsheathe ability for powerful strikes in close combat engagements.
  • Effectively wield both bow and Uchigatana while mounted to maintain mobility and deal substantial damage.
  • Hone timing and range of attacks for optimal performance in field and boss battles.
  • Enhance damage output by incorporating bleed arrows to complement the Uchigatana’s bleeding effect.
  • Consider transitioning to the Nagakiba for a weapon with a similar playstyle but greater range.
  • Maintain a balanced distribution of attributes like Vigor, Dexterity, and Mind for resilience, damage dealing, and skill usage.


In conclusion, Elden Ring Samurai Class offers a dynamic and engaging gameplay experience, seamlessly blending ranged and melee combat. With its versatile arsenal of the Uchigatana and Longbow, supplemented by strategic attribute allocation, Samurai players can navigate the perilous lands of the game with finesse. Whether engaging in close-quarters duels or picking off enemies from afar, the Samurai Class provides a thrilling and rewarding adventure for players of all skill levels. For a smoother experience as Samurai in Elden Ring, don’t forget to buy Elden Ring Boosting from U7BUY at the cheapest rate on the web.