Elden Ring Lake of Rot Location Guide

Elden Ring Lake of Rot Location Guide

As we all know, the Elden Ring is a very successful game in terms of ethereal and terrifying locations. Today, we’re here to talk about one such place in the game, which has a very disturbing and horrible atmosphere. The Elden Ring Lake of Rot is a place where the ‘Outer God’ of Scarlet Rot, associated with Malenia, is sealed deep below the surface. Stepping in this large, dangerous location for longer than a few seconds may cause the Tarnished with Rot, a particularly horrifying state of illness.

It’s one of the most repulsive hidden spots in the Elden Ring, covered with a layer of scarlet rot. You must wade through the Scarlet Rot to get across this section, and you better hope you survive the trip. We’ve included all the information you need in this Elden Ring Lake of Rot location guide to help you traverse the Lake of Rot safely and finish the location by gathering every item. 

How do you get to Elden Ring Lake of Rot location? 

The first and foremost thing is how to get to the Lake of Rot location in Elden Ring. The way to reach the Lake of Rot is after completing Ranni the Witch’s questline to the point of delivering her the Fingerslayer Blade and opening the Divine Tower of Liurnia. The next step is by following the Ainsel River through Nokstella, one can arrive at the Lake of Rot. You can take an elevator at the end of the river to the location where the Baleful Shadow spawns; the elevator leads you to the Lake of Rot.

Be prepared for the worst

This sub-zone is hazardous since a large body of scarlet rot exists there. If you’ve been to Caelid previously, you know how the status effect accumulates and swiftly depletes your health. To lessen this impact, you should purchase, make, or gather supplies like Preserving Boluses. The nomad merchant at Caelid Highway North sells some of these. Similarly, the effect of Rot can be cleared with the Flame Cleanse Me spell, which costs around 14 FP. 

Basilisks may emerge from the water to ambush you, so be cautious. The Beast-Repellent Torch will calm all nearby basilisks, making it much simpler to cross the lake. 

Elden Ring Lake of Rot Fights


Navigating this treacherous lake can be done with the help of pillars inside the lake. If you gaze out into the lake, four pillars may be visible in the distance, each standing on a little island. When traversing the Lake of Rot, you can use these little islands as safe platforms to stand on because they have buttons that elevate landmasses in the lake.

  • The first and nearest pillar can be found facing to your southwest. 
  • The second one is conveniently accessible by crossing the recently emerged platforms from the first and should be south of the first pillar.
  • From here, leap onto the platform directly east of the second pillar, then turn to your southeast and enter a large platform that has the base of a broken pillar. This will take you to the third pillar which is the southwest from this big platform. 
  • The fourth pillar is closest to the walls of the far-off structure and is situated further southwest of pillar 3. You’ll have to run across the rot this time because there aren’t any platforms to help you get there safely.

Boss Fights 

You will have to face various Lake of Rot bosses, including Dragonkin Soldier, an optional boss. You will also face Astel, the Naturalborn of the Void, who, when defeated, will drop Remembrance of the Naturalborn and Alabaster Lord. 

Defeating the Dragonkin Soldier 

By walking on a weighted pad on an eastern pillar, the Tarnished must ensure that multiple enormous platforms are raised around the monster to combat the Dragonkin Soldier. Entering the fight as soon as possible is the greatest method of dealing with this boss swiftly. The player can land a number of free strikes on the Dragonkin Soldier when it spawns out from under the water, prior to the boss really beginning to swing to defeat it early. After that, battle any other Dragonkin Soldier boss using all the same tactics. 

Defeating the Alabaster Lord

After the fourth and final platform emerges, the player is lifted to a place where they can battle an Alabaster Lord to obtain his Alabaster Lord’s Sword. The Alabaster Lord’s limited attack patterns make it simple to predict what attacks he will launch and how to evade them. You can swiftly end the fight if you stay close to him and attack whenever you perceive an opening.

Defeating Astel, Naturalborn of the Void

Protect yourself from the Astel boss’s fog since it uses it early on. Maintaining proximity to Astel will additionally enable you to land more strikes since many of its attacks will simply miss you. Aim for the head of Astel because Astel’s body doesn’t withstand much harm; hitting the head will provide a typical amount of damage.

Elden Ring Lake of Rot Bosses

How to cross the Lake of Rot?

The pillars will help you cross the lake swiftly and effectively. You can rest on the platforms of the pillars to rest and recuperate. You can cross by this method or just sprint through the lake until you reach the next site of grace. Be sure to use consumables to mitigate and fight the effects of the Scarlet Rot. 

Rewards and new items

The Elden Ring Lake of Rot location contains many collectable items and rewards for defeating bosses. Some of them are: 

  • Dragonscale blade after defeating the Dragonkin Soldier. 
  • Lighteningproof dried liver in the nearest islands. 
  • Somber-smithing stone
  • Golden Rune
  • Mushroom Crown 
  • Rot Grease 
  • Warming Stone
  • Alabaster Lord’s Sword
  • Aeonian Butterflies


In conclusion, players will be tested at Elden Ring’s Lake of Rot, a hazardous and difficult place. This place is not for the weak of the heart, but the rewards and secrets that lie ahead for those with the courage to explore its depths make the risks worthwhile. Thus, be ready, hone your abilities, and get ready to confront the horrors of Elden Ring’s Lake of Rot. Also, don’t forget to get yourself Elden Ring boosting from U7BUY to help you defeat those scary bosses at Lake of Rot.