Genshin Impact: Amakumo Fruit Locations

Amakumo fruit is currently used for only two characters as a level up/Ascension material. These two characters are Raiden Shogun, who has recently been featured on an event banner and the other is the 4-star Kirara. These two characters are on either end of the spectrum, where Raiden is one of the strongest characters in the game and you might want to top up Genshin to pull for her constellations as they make her a lot better. Kirara, on the other hand, is counted among the weakest. However, if you still enjoy how Kirara looks and plays – more power to you. Games are meant to be enjoyed and don’t let any tier list or influencer tell you that you can’t like a character because they’re considered weak.

Since Amakumo fruit isn’t really necessary considering neither of these characters might not be featured on character banners soon, you might not want to farm it – however, in the odd case that you want to pre-farm and you’re saving up your primogems for the Raiden or Kirara reruns/banners, this guide is for you!

Genshin Interactive Maps and Amakumo Fruit Location

First of all – if you’re not using the Genshin Impact Interactive map, start using it right away. It is one of the most useful resources for Genshin Impact you can find, and even Hoyoverse has their own official Interactive Map which you can find here – Genshin Interactive Map. And here is what the map looks like in action:

Some people use the unofficial one, others use the official map. Both are fine and they each have their strength and weaknesses – however, one thing to note is that the Genshin official Interactive Map has screenshots from users for the Character Level-Up materials such as Amakumo Fruit as you can see above, unlike the unofficial one.

And, as you can see – Amakumo Fruit is only located on Seirai Island.

Best Characters and Teams for Farming

If you’re a long time player, you most likely know of the term “farming” or “exploring” teams. These teams are comprised of characters that you might not use otherwise for end-game or harder content, but they can be really useful when exploring Teyvat as well as for farming materials that you need.

Note: You don’t HAVE to use any of these characters, but if you have them – they will make your life a bit easier.

Double Anemo Resonance

Using two Anemo characters in a team will grant you two huge boosts to your exploration.

  1. It decreases Stamina consumption by 15%
  2. It increases movement SPD by 10%

These two bonuses apply to your WHOLE team. What’s even better is that most characters that move fast or have good mobility skills are Anemo (Kazuha, Wanderer, Sayu, Xianyun), but we’ll talk about those in a moment.

Movement Speed-Boosting Utility Talents and Skills

There are a lot of characters that have Utility Talents and/or skills that can boost the movement speed of your whole team. They will usually increase your movement SPD by 10% and no more. Another thing to note is that no Utility Talents stack together, so you can’t use Dehya and Gaming to get 20% during the day. Here’s a list of characters that have the “Swift Stride” effect in one way or another:

  • Chiori: Her talent works when you have a custom glider or skin equipped and is effective during both day and night
  • Rosaria: Gives movement SPD during the night
  • Gaming: Gives movement SPD during the day
  • Dehya: Gives movement SPD during the day

Sprint Stamina-Reducing Utility Talents

Sprinting is a huge part of exploring Teyvat, and having a talent that reduces the usage of stamina while sprinting is sure to be a massive boon while farming for Amakumo Fruit as well as other items. These characters will provide a 20% reduction in stamina usage while sprinting, and they don’t have conditions attached to this unlike the Movement Speed-Boosting abilities.

  • Kaeya: He has two advantages when exploring: His sprint passive, and the fact that he’s one of the tallest characters in the game, which is factored into movement speed as well.
  • Kazuha: Similarly to Kaeya, Kazuha has an insane advantage for exploration along his Sprint passive – his skill, Chihayaburu, propels him into the air and can act as a double jump
  • Heizou, Chevreuse, and Razor all have the sprint passive – but are otherwise unremarkable when it comes to exploration

Movement Abilities

There are a few characters that have incredible movement-boosting or enhancing abilities that are sure to be a boon when exploring Teyvat. If you have any of these characters, they will make your life a lot easier.

  • Wanderer – easily the best exploration character in the whole game. I mean, he can literally fly.
  • Xianyun – the recently added “Cloud Retainer” makes good on her Title, as her Elemental Skill allows her to cover ground faster than most characters. While she can’t “Fly” like Wanderer, her skill is only second to his for both vertically and horizontally exploring Teyvat
  • Yelan – Her Elemental Skill makes her invisible and gives her a huge movement speed boost while it lasts, and can even have two charges of it. One of the fastest “land” characters in the game
  • Kazuha – as previously mentioned, his skill allows him to “Double-Jump” and he can even use it while in the air, unlike Xianyun for example
  • Sayu – She’s just Sonic the Hedgehog, but cuter and lazier (and not nearly as fast)
  • Lynette – Her skill is like Yelan’s, but worse. She’s slower and her cooldown is longer, but it’s still better than nothing.


She deserves a special section because her Elemental Skill allows her to take photographs of Plants and “Capture” them, get it? Everything she scans with her lens, she picks up once she uses her skill. This can save a LOT of time when farming plants.

Best Team for Farming Amakumo Fruit

Now, since we’ve covered all of the Movement SPD boosting skills, talents, and passives – it’s time to go over the best team you can make for farming Amakumo Fruit, provided you have these characters.

Do note: if you have Gorou, choose one character from each of these teams to replace with him. His passive makes it a lot easier to find Amakumo Fruit since they are marked on the map if you put him in the team. Same goes for Nahida and her skill.

1# Team: Wanderer, Xianyun, Sayu, Yelan – This team is just so good for covering ground quickly, it’s insane. Replace Sayu if you have Gorou

This team can be flexible in that you can basically use any combination of these characters that have movement skills and you’ll still be able to cover a lot of ground quickly. If you don’t have any of these characters, then…

2# Team: If you can, combine any of the above listed characters for a team, prioritizing those with movement abilities (Kazuha, Wanderer, etc.), the anemo resonance (Sayu and Lynette are both Anemo 4-star characters, and you get Lynette for free), and lastly the movement speed/sprint stamina consumption characters.

Best Route for Amakumo Fruit Genshin

To be perfectly honest, the Amakumo Fruit is one of the easiest materials to farm in Genshin Impact. There are 95 of them total, and they respawn in 24 Hours. You need 168 for Raiden and the same amount for Kirara, making it a total of 336, or four days of farming for full-ascension of both characters.

It is plentiful and in a relatively small area on the map that you can farm all 95 in 10-15 minutes no matter which route you take.

The only thing that you can do to make farming easier is to finish the Seirai Island World Quest called: Seirai Stormchasers which will lift the Balethunder effect from the center of the Island and the random Lightning strikes across the map.


Farming Amakumo Fruit is one of the easiest farms in the game, and with the help of this guide you should be able to farm it even faster as it provides you with amakumo fruit locations and the best characters and teams you can create to go even faster. If you don’t have these characters, you should consider buying a Genshin Impact Account that does, as these come pretty cheap and with a lot of boons.