How to Dominate Competitive in Counter Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2 is the latest iteration of Valve’s long-running eSports FPS game, and a direct upgrade from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Aside from the visual bump, the new version overhauled the ranking systems but also brought subtle gameplay changes. Needless to say, CS 2 is home to the flashiest skins as well, confirming the need for any newcomer to buy CSGO account

Once a match starts, however, there’s little room for hesitation in Counter-Strike 2. It’s a game with an active community backed up by a vigilant team of developers. As such, climbing the ladder is a big undertaking, especially regarding the Competitive match type.

Here, we’ll explore the essential tips for everyone looking to dominate Competitive in Counter-Strike 2!

Focus on the Team Play Aspects

Both the Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists teams start at a disadvantage in Counter-Strike 2, which is a testament to how expertly the game’s maps are crafted. Thus, delegating the tasks properly among yourselves is pivotal for both winning a match and merely enjoying the game in the first place.

To avoid stepping on your teammates’ toes, ensure that each of you has a clear plan of what their role would be. Who is the best shot at close range? That player should aim for something like the Desert Eagle or the AK-47, and acquire them as soon as possible.

The story will be a bit more complicated for the “expert marksman” in your team, though. Heavy-hitting snipers like the AWP fetch a high price, and the only way to collect a bigger sum of $ fast is to survive matches, scoring a few hits here and there. In other words, there might be a waiting time before the players in charge of the long-range shot take the stage, and this can only be shortened by the input of the rest of the team.

Study Counter-Strike 2’s Maps

Thanks to free online resources like the game’s Wiki page and the thousands of YT channels dedicated to this eSports title, one can learn every nook and cranny of epic maps like Dust 2 from a safe environment. Of course, real matches are the best teachers, but, at the very least, knowing where your and the others’ team spawning points are, is enough to make you feel oriented.

Build on that knowledge by studying which are the fastest routes to a given bomb location (for example), or what are the best places to throw a tactical smoke grenade and trap more than one enemy in the smoke. Counter-Strike 2 is all about creativity and bravery, and constructing elaborate plans of action among your team is bound to yield results as soon as the next match!

The same goes for the importance of audio cues – you should learn how the game’s armaments differ upon firing. Combine that knowledge with the information about which teammate carries which weapon(s), and you’ll deduct what is the enemy’s weapon of choice right after they sound off.

In some matches, you should even be able to hear the opposing team’s footsteps when they rush above a pathway you’re currently hiding under. Tunnels and vantage points are also areas where you can collect audio data for instant advantage in a match!

Try Out all of the Weapon Types

While there’s nothing wrong with having a favorite weapon that you’re most confident using, note that Counter-Strike 2 has a bit of a built-in “rock-papers-scissors” mechanic that limits whichever weapon’s usefulness. In a nutshell, the guns that deal great damage have nasty recoil and longer reload times, and some would even slow you down a lot when moving. Similarly, something like the SMG will be easy to handle, but its bullet sway might prove unwieldy when focusing on a far-away target behind cover.

Thus, it’s imperative that you walk in with the right tool for the job, and also – that you’re effective with both a sniper and a semi-automatic pistol, for instance. There’s no telling which way the match will swing in the early stages, and players should be prepared for every possible outcome.

Simulate Scenarios in Friendly Matches

Do you have issues scoring headshots on a target that sprints or is running down some stairs? While tricky, you can certainly improve your performance in those areas by working on those skills. Participating in Deathmatch games is a great way to work on your aim and reflexes while having fun. Experimenting with the rest of the utility items is recommended too, as developing a sense for when is the best time to throw a flashbang grenade, will carry over to the Competitive mode as well.

You can do the same with team-based maps as well. Try to reenact something you’ve seen in pro tournaments or examine a painful turning point of one of your latest matches, discovering new angles of how your team should’ve approached things better.