Lost Ark Guide to the Class System – Best Class to Choose

Lost Ark Guide to the Class System - Best Class to Choose

In Lost Ark, classes form the bedrock of gameplay, shaping how you interact with the game universe, the skills you wield, and the particular role your character embodies. Each class showcases individual traits, benefits, and limitations, imbuing the game with its distinctive flavor and depth. These classes delineate the combat function of a character, encompassing roles like tanking, DPS (Damage Per Second), support, or crowd control. Each Lost Ark class offers a particular style of play centered around close-quarters combat, long-range assaults, magical prowess, or stealth maneuvers. 

Moreover, each class showcases its own array of specialties and advantages, ranging from potent burst damage and consistent DPS to crowd control capabilities, mobility options, or utility skills. Synergy also plays an important role here when talking about the group content. In group content, class composition affects party synergy and strategy. A well-balanced team with complementary classes can achieve greater success in challenging content. 

Having a good hold over how the Lost Ark class system works and how it impacts your gameplay can help you in multiple ways and make your gaming journey smooth and hurdle-free. In Lost Ark, the class system transcends conventional norms, offering a depth that requires deeper exploration. This guide aims to illuminate the intricacies of the class system within Lost Ark, providing insights into how to discern and select the optimal class tailored to your preferred activities within the game.

Understanding the Lost Ark Classes

Below is the list of classes and sub-classes in Lost Ark.


Warriors in Lost Ark are frontline fighters who excel in taking damage and disrupting enemy lines. Each subclass offers unique abilities, from harnessing berserk fury (Berserker) to wielding massive shields for defense (Paladin). Sub-classes of Warrior are listed below.

  • Berserker
  • Destroyer
  • Gunlancer
  • Paladin
  • Slayer
Lost Ark Warrior

Martial Artist:

Martial Artists specialize in close-quarters combat, utilizing martial arts techniques to overwhelm their opponents. Each subclass offers unique abilities, from channelling elemental energies (Soulfist) to wielding dual weapons with precision (Wardancer). Sub-classes of Martial Artist are listed below.

  • Glaivier
  • Scrapper
  • Soulfist
  • Striker
  • Wardancer
  • Breaker


The Gunner classes excel in ranged warfare, employing firearms and explosives to inflict damage from afar. Within this category, each subclass presents distinct abilities, ranging from summoning a hawk companion (Sharpshooter) to deploying automated turrets (Machinist). Sub-classes of Gunner are listed below.

  • Gunslinger
  • Sharpshooter
  • Artilerist
  • Deadeye
  • Machinist


Mages harness the power of magic to control the battlefield and support their allies. Each subclass offers unique spells and abilities, from bolstering party members with buffs (Bard) to summoning powerful elemental creatures (Summoner). Sub-classes of Mage are listed below.

  • Bard
  • Summoner
  • Sorceress
  • Arcanist


The Assassin class excels at high mobility and burst damage. Each subclass offers distinct gameplay mechanics, from accumulating Death Orbs to unleash devastating skills (Deathblade) to mastering stealth and deception (Shadowhunter). Subclasses of the Assassin are listed below.

  • Deathblade
  • Reaper
  • Soul Eater
  • Shadowhunter


Specialists offer support to their allies through buffs, healing, and crowd control. Each subclass offers unique abilities, from empowering party members with damage buffs (Artist) to manipulating the elements to control the battlefield (Aeromancer). Sub-classes of Specialists are listed below.

  • Aeromancer
  • Artist
Lost Ark Specialist

Choosing the Best Lost Ark Class

Selecting the appropriate class holds significant importance as it aligns with specific situations and demands. Each class boasts its own distinct identity, playstyle, strengths, and weaknesses. Familiarizing yourself with the intricacies of each class’s playstyle is crucial to making an informed decision. It’s worth noting that certain classes may excel in particular situations, surpassing others in strength and effectiveness.

If you are indulging in PvE activities, then Paladin, Artillerist, Artist, Arcanist, Bard, Sorceress, Summoner, and Deathblade can be the right choices for you if you’re trying to progress easily through the gameplay.

If you are indulging yourself in PvP activities, then Paladin, Gunslinger, Deathblade, and Shadowhunter can be the right for you to perform well on the PvP level in Lost Ark. You can choose the one that suits you better and then proceed towards mastering the class.

Learning the Class Mechanics

Learning the class mechanics will help you understand the class much better so that you can take the maximum advantage of that class in the battleground. Paladin class has Holy Aura which provides your party damage buff which gives your damage reduction to your party members along with healing your party. Sacred Executioner increases damage and range of Punish Skills for the Paladin Class.

Creating Builds for Your Lost Ark Class

Builds play an important role in Lost Ark, and to create a build, you have to be very specific with your selection of skills and stats. You also need to be very patient and experiment with each class as much as you can to create the right and best build for yourself.

How to Create A Build for Your Class?

There are some factors that you must keep in mind before creating a build and they are class, skills, stats, engravings, and cards. Below is how you can create a build for yourself in Lost Ark.

  • Select a class based on your preferred playstyle, weapon type, attack style (front or back attacks), positioning (melee or ranged), and combat role (DPS or support).
  • Use skill points and skill trees. Skill points help you customize your abilities, and skill trees unlock further modifications.
  • Experiment with different skills to find the ones that synergize well with your playstyle. Consider the activation methods of skills (normal, holding, combo, charge, casting) and their effects.
  • Understand the stats. Familiarize yourself with the various combat stats and their effects. Prioritize stats that complement your chosen playstyle and skills.
  • Choose engravings that complement your class and playstyle. Prioritize engravings that enhance attack power, reduce cooldowns, or provide defensive benefits.

Indulge in Group Activities

Try to use the class in group activities to get the maximum advantage. To learn more, experiment with each class and check which class is better for a particular motivation. A strong group consists of balanced classes. Make sure you are forming a balanced group while selecting classes so that each class complements the other.


Lost Ark classes are the bedrock of gameplay, shaping your experience and strategy. Each class offers a distinct playstyle and role, from tanking to DPS and support. Understanding the class system, mastering mechanics, and crafting the right build are pivotal for success. Moreover, synergy is paramount in group activities. With balanced teams and strategic choices, you can conquer any challenge. So, dive in, explore the classes, and embark on your journey to mastery in Lost Ark. Also, don’t forget to purchase Lost Ark Gold from U7BUY to progress smoothly with your preferred class in the game.