Mobile Legends Gold Lane Guide

If you’re interested in this role, there are some guidelines you need to follow. Like any other MOBA, you might find it hard at first, but you’ll get used to how the game works. If you want to unlock tons of goods into your account, you can grab the Top Up ML bonuses.

Furthermore, if you want to learn more about Mobile Legends and other popular video games, you could visit U7BUY and grab more in-game knowledge.

Pick a Marksman

The Gold Lane is ruled (mostly) by the Marksman heroes. Due to their nature, they have long-range attacks and abilities. Also, they tend to improve (in damage) with a couple of items in your inventory.

Many DPS (Damage Per Second) roles in the MOBA ecosystem have two main characteristics. First, they appear “weak” in the match’s early stages. Therefore, you will find multiple attacks from the enemy team as you try to gain as much Gold as possible.

Afterward, when they have enough goods, they can dominate the last stages of a match. With tons of damage multipliers, they can kill the entire game. You can even kill your opponents without a single ability. 

Find the Gold Lane

After you grab a carry, the next part is to find your lane. In Mobile Legends, the Gold Lane and Experience Lane switch randomly. Therefore, you might be traveling to the other part of the map from the start.

You can avoid possible “battle cries” from your teammates by locating the Gold Lane as soon as possible. You can find the Gold Lane in the minimap by looking for the dollar sign “$” in the top-left or bottom-right corners.

Get Those Special Cannon Minions

One of the gaming mechanics that aims to help the Gold Lane in Mobile Legends is the Gold gathering. In this part of the map, the Special Cannon Minions will drop an additional percentage of Gold when they die. These minions will spawn only on this side of the map.

With that advantage, you can grab more items and start carrying your team later in the match.

Farm for the First Five Minutes (Early Phase)

Those Special Cannon Minions will appear in the early stages of the match. After that five-minute mark, you will only find regular Cannon Minions and fewer options to increase the Gold income. Hence, you must remain within the Gold Lane almost the entire time.

Your opponents will try to put your hero’s life in danger with multiple attacks from all around the map. Therefore, you should use strategies that can help you manipulate the Minion’s movements to keep them close to your tower.

Above all, avoid unnecessary team fights and keep your eyes on the price (those Special Cannon Minions). “Last hitting” will help you gather more Gold and reduce the “farming” time in the Gold Lane.

Buy the Right Items

Many Internet guides tend to give you an eye when you’re preparing your Hero for the late stages of a match. Remember that each suggestion varies depending on your Hero and the current “META.”

Therefore, you can revisit popular websites and see how everything changes with each Mobile Legends patch. We also recommend that you stick to two or three Gold Laners as you learn about this Mobile Game.

Keep an Eye on the Min-Map

This part of the Gold Lane Guide will help you achieve success within Mobile Legends. With the information you gather in the mini-map, you will see the location of your teammates and possible enemy movements.

On many occasions, the Jungler, Roamer, or the Mid-Laner will pay a visit to the Gold Lane. As you can already tell, your adversaries will try to make your life miserable in the early stages of a match. As a result, you need to play safely and hug your tower when danger approaches.

Deal Damage to Your Adversaries at the Eigth Minute Mark

If you had a gorgeous time in the first five minutes, you will surely get more ways to dominate in the late game. With three or more items, you will start to experience a more enjoyable time as you destroy anything on your path.

Still, remember to keep an eye on your position when a team fight starts. The enemy team will try to find you first and use their “crowd control” abilities to neutralize your attacks. Since you’re using a Marksman, you can move in and out of an encounter with ease.

After the roamer takes some of the enemy’s focus, you can hunt for your prey.