The Best Tips for Bigo Live Streaming in 2024

Bigo Live is a top-rated mobile live streaming platform and for good reason, it’s one of the easiest and sure-fire ways to build a loyal audience and follow online. But it can be quite confusing to get started on the Bigo Live stream platform.

If you’re new to the streaming world, starting from the ground up is hard to do when you’re not familiar with the ins and outs of the process. So today, we’re showcasing a few important tips to make it big on Bigo Live and live streaming in general.

Let’s jump straight into it!

Figure out Your Niche

The first thing you want to do is to figure out your niche and what you’re going to stream. Understanding the ins and outs of your streaming genre is essential since you need to know what existing audiences in that genre enjoy and tune in to.

Whether it’s gaming, travel, music, dancing, makeup content, chatting, or any other genre, find one and stick to it. It helps if you’re genuinely interested in the topic and are knowledgeable enough to share tips or discuss those topics.

Upgrade your Streaming Gear

As you grow and get more accustomed to streaming, it’s a good idea to invest in some streaming-oriented equipment to improve your stream quality.

This includes a more powerful, high-resolution camera, a high-quality mic for crisp audio, and nice lighting so your face cam is clear and bright.

Having a nicely decorated area to stream at can also help retain viewers who appreciate your stream’s aesthetic and setup.

Expand to Other Social Media Sites or Streaming Platforms

These days, it’s important to have a stacked social media presence across most major platforms. This way, followers you gain from other streaming sites or platforms will also make their way to your Bigo Live profile.

Cross-posting your streams or clips can help garner a following on other platforms. Make sure to include your links in your profile bio so it’s easy for viewers to check out your other social media.

Stream Consistently

One of the most important things to do to grow your following on Bigo Live is to stream consistently. Streaming consistently with a set schedule will allow more people to find your stream, and for your already established following to join the stream regularly.

This helps bring in an audience over time that are familiar with you and your content and that keep coming back for more. If you’re inactive for more than 14 – 30 days, it’s much harder to grow your channel.

Keep your Fans Close

A great way to build your audience is to constantly engage with your audience. Whether it’s through your live chat on Bigo or other social media platforms, it’s a good idea to keep what your fans are saying and talking about in mind.

Liking comments, replying, mentioning them on stream, or posting photos with fans helps show your audience that you care about your viewers. This helps build a lasting relationship with viewers who will tune in regularly.

It’s also a good idea to remember some of your most loyal fans by name. This way you can mention them on stream like they were a friend to build familiarity.

Connect & Interact w/ Other Streamers

One of the most underrated methods to start building an audience on Bigo Live is by interacting and collaborating with other streamers. This could mean commenting on other people’s live streams, and videos, making content together, or sending virtual gifts using diamonds.

And if you need a Bigo recharge to get some diamonds, check out U7BUY for the best deals available! With these diamonds, you can purchase special effects for your stream, exclusive premium features, or use them as a virtual currency to send to other streamers!

Join a Bigo Family

Bigo has a pretty nifty feature that allows streamers to join a ‘family’ of other broadcasters to help each other out. If you have other colleagues and friends around you, it’s much easier to build an audience since you can tap into the family’s existing audience.

Families also have access to exclusive challenges (PK) that can earn beans and ‘family points’ that can be later redeemed and used for other privileges. However, to join a family, you need to align your goals and content.

Find a family that is familiar and relevant to your content to make sure you fit in!

Unfortunately, there’s no 100% guaranteed way to succeed on Bigo Live, but following these tips can help build your audience.

There are a bunch more things you can do like making an attractive profile, partnering, and becoming an official host with Bigo Live, all of which can help you become a successful streamer.

Keep at it consistently and eventually, you’ll notice a change in your metrics and view count!