The S-Tier Valorant Agents

As with all tactical shooters, if you want to succeed in Valorant, you not only need to be skilled, but you need to ensure that you choose the right heroes (known as agents in this tactical shooter). The mark for a good Valorant player is one who knows how to choose the right hero for the job. As a result, you’ll often find pro-level Valorant players cycling through countless agents, and they perform admirably with every single one of them.

If you are new to Valorant, then we know that the agent list can seem somewhat daunting. You may have absolutely no idea who to pick. So, we figured we’d put together a list of S-tier agents in Valorant. These are the Valorant agents that you should unlock first with your Valorant points.

Now, don’t get us wrong – every single Valorant agent is viable in the right situation and the hands of the right players. However, if you’re just diving into the game, you’ll probably have an easier time with each of these.


Raze has rapidly become one of our favorite Valorant agents to play. This is all thanks to more and more maps placing an emphasis on heavy choke points, an area where Raze really can thrive. If there are multiple choke points on the map, then Raze will have no issues keeping control of them.

If you’re playing Raze, you’ll want to make solid use of her Boom Bot so you can feed intel back to the team. If you’re keeping an eye on a choke point, then you’ll want to drop some paint shells to pump out some quick AoE damage.


Killjoy is an agent who’s a little bit on the difficult side to play, but she is an agent who appears a lot in professional play. This is because of her incredibly aggressive gameplay style. If you’re aiming for a bomb site, then Killjoy’s Lockdown Ultimate will help you to control it with ease. Not only this, but she can keep an eye on two separate entrances at once, making it easier to ensure that the team doesn’t become overwhelmed by the enemy.


Jett may not be on this S-Tier list for long, mostly because there seem to be a lot of nerfs planned for her. However, for now, Jett is one of the most mobile agents in the game. She can switch plans at a moment’s notice, allowing the player to get the edge on their enemy. In fact, she has one of the best sneak attacks in the game. If you know how to play Jett properly, then your enemy won’t know what hit them.

If you are playing as Jett, then you’ll want to make ample use of Cloudburst, as it will prevent enemies seeing where Jett, and her teammates, are for a short period.


Skye probably won’t be the right agent for some of the newer Valorant players. She doesn’t have enough attack power. However, if your game aims to play an intel-gathering role, and maybe sneak up on an enemy or two, then Skye is the best of the best. A lot of your time will be spent feeding some much-needed intel back to your team. At the same time, you’ll be throwing out a few flashbangs to help disorientate your enemies, hopefully helping you to nail a win or 10.


At the time of writing, Iso is the most recent agent to Valorant, and as with all new agents, balancing is a little bit off. He is OP right now, and he is one of the best damage dealers in the game. He has tons of skills that you can use, and if you love to play aggressively, then you’ll fall in love with him. In fact, he pumps out so much damage, and his skills are so easy to use, that we reckon that even the newest Valorant players should have no issues getting Iso to work for them.

Buy a Valorant Boost Today

Now you know the best S-Tier Valorant heroes, we bet you’re itching to start putting them to use, right? Well, unfortunately, it isn’t as simple as you may think. You need to unlock them first, and you’ll probably need to boost your account to the point where you have some challenging opposition to put your skills to use against. So, we recommend that you buy a Valorant boost from us here at It is the best way to get started in the game, and it means that you can avoid the mind-numbing gameplay of the lower ranks. Remember – we have other Valorant products available too!