Things to Know Before Starting Rainbow Six Siege

Few team shooter games rival the intimidation factor of Rainbow Six Siege. Widely recognized for its intense tactical gameplay, this first-person shooter places two teams of five in the roles of diverse Operators, alternating between attacking and defending objectives.

Over the years, Siege has undergone updates, introduced new maps and operators, and regularly adjusted the meta. Despite its potential to bewilder even seasoned FPS players, the essence of Siege lies in its team-oriented nature. For those seeking a top-notch 5v5 team shooter, few can match the caliber of R6 Siege.

1. Objectives and Rounds

In Rainbow Six Siege, players are divided into Attackers and Defenders, each equipped with a distinct set of Operators. The dynamic gameplay involves Attackers attempting to breach fortified maps for objectives like securing an area, rescuing hostages, or defusing bombs.

Attackers’ Challenge

The role of an Attacker involves overcoming the challenges of breaking into heavily fortified maps. The objectives range from securing a specific location to rescuing hostages or defusing bomb sites.

Defenders’ Strategies

Defenders, on the other hand, aim to impede the progress of the Attackers. They employ barricades, traps, and various inventive tactics to eliminate or outlast the opposing team. The goal is to withstand the assault until the timer runs out, creating a unique and strategic gameplay experience.

Team Dynamics

Each game comprises alternating rounds where teams of five take turns attacking and defending. The ultimate objective is to emerge victorious by effectively executing both offensive and defensive strategies. The team with the most successful combined performance is declared the winner at the end of the match.

2. Drones as Strategic Tools

In the intricate world of R6, intelligence and communication play pivotal roles. As an Attacker, leveraging your two drones becomes a crucial aspect of the game. One of these drones is deployed in the initial phase of the round, tasked with navigating the map to identify the objective and provide valuable insights into the Defenders you’re facing. The live feed from drones serves as an invaluable source of information.

Attacker’s Perspective

Cameras are really useful for attackers, here is why:

  • Drone Exploration

Piloting your camera drone strategically around the map is essential to gather intel on the objective location and identify Defenders.

  • Information Gathering

Drones serve as eyes on the ground, offering a real-time view of the room they are placed in, aiding Attackers in making informed decisions.

Defending with Eyes Everywhere

Defenders counterbalance this by having access to an extensive network of cameras strategically positioned throughout the map.

  • Camera Network

Defenders benefit from a network of surveillance cameras, allowing them to monitor key areas and gather intelligence on the movements of Attackers.

  • Vulnerabilities

It’s crucial to acknowledge that both drones and cameras are susceptible to destruction. Moreover, specific Operators possess the ability to hack into them, adding an extra layer of complexity.

3. Mastering Map Knowledge

In Rainbow Six Siege, maps present a complex mix of rooms, hallways, balconies, and rooftops, posing a challenge for newcomers. Learning the intricacies of these maps is essential, and the best way to do so is through gameplay.

Learning Approach

Here is the learning approach that you should take:

  • Take it Slow

Avoid rushing through the map initially; a patient approach is crucial to survival.

  • Defender’s Advantage

Defenders enjoy more freedom to explore the interior, given that Attackers must make their way in.

  • Utilize Fixed Cameras

As a Defender, fixed camera placements serve as reliable landmarks, aiding navigation.

4. 1 Shot Headshots

R6 Siege introduces a dynamic where Time to Kill (TTK) is exceptionally fast, emphasizing the critical importance of accuracy. Notably, headshots prove to be instantly lethal in almost every situation, adding an intense layer to the game’s engagements.

Headshot Dynamics

In the Siege formula, a well-placed headshot results in immediate elimination, making precise aiming a pivotal aspect of player skill. However, the game’s definition of a headshot can occasionally lead to perceived fairness issues. What might seem like a survivable hit to the neck or shoulder can be registered as a headshot, introducing an element of unpredictability and challenging players to adapt quickly to unexpected outcomes.

Tactical Contributions Beyond Elimination

Once eliminated from the round, players have the opportunity to contribute strategically by spectating and utilizing other players’ drones or cameras. This post-mortem intel gathering allows eliminated players to provide valuable information to their team, enhancing overall situational awareness. This unique aspect of Rainbow Six Siege adds a layer of depth to the tactical dynamics of the game.

5. Dynamic Destruction in Siege

In R6, understanding the destructible nature of map environments is essential for skill development. Players can strategically shoot through walls, floors, or windows, enhancing their tactical advantage. Unless a structure is crucial to the building’s integrity, it can be perforated or destroyed, providing better vantage points.

Attacker Strategies

Operators like Sledge and Buck specialize in creating openings by destroying walls, catching Defenders off guard. This dynamic approach to breaching adds a layer of unpredictability to Attackers’ strategies.

Defender Tactics

On the defensive side, Operators like Mira or Pulse leverage their Gadgets in coordination with destructible environments to surprise and counter Attackers. The interplay between gadgets and map destruction creates opportunities for Defenders to gain the upper hand.

Unlocking operators in Rainbow Six Siege is a long grind. So, if you’re looking for a shortcut, you can buy Rainbow Six Siege account from U7BUY. They are a reputable source and also save you a lot of time and get instant access.


In the ever-evolving battleground of Rainbow Six Siege, mastering the nuances discussed above is the key to becoming a formidable player. From strategic map knowledge to precision in engagements, each element contributes to the dynamic and intense experience that defines Siege.