Top 5 Regular Weapons for PUBG Mobile

If you want to get good in PUBG Mobile, you’re going to want to look out for these weapons. We’ll have a small look into each of the top-tier weapons in PUBG: Mobile, but we’ll exclude weapons that can’t be obtained normally like airdrop weapons. Try your best to get good with these weapons and keep a watchful eye for them on the Battlegrounds. And as always, if you want the best skins for these bad boys you might want to consider topping UC PUBG Mobile up with U7BUY.

Disclaimer: No “Tier-List” type video, article, or guide should be taken entirely seriously. While we did take into account many different things when assessing these weapons, what you play with the best and what you find the most fun will always take priority. We also won’t be using a numbered list for these weapons considering they’re all useful in various situations and while something like the M4 is great for all situations, it doesn’t excel at anything either.

Now, with that out of the way, let’s get into it, shall we?

The M4

Let’s start with the classic. The M416. While many consider the M4 to be the best weapon in PUBG: Mobile, and the best weapon in almost any game it appears in… well, they’d be mostly right. As we said, however, the M416 is a great all-around weapon and is easily the best Assault Rifle with the 5.56 ammo type. It eclipses the AUG in reload time, but – again – it isn’t better than it in other aspects such as damage. You can see this throughout most of its comparisons which is why we can’t say this, or any other weapon, is the “BEST” weapon of PUBG: Mobile and that you should always grab it even when you have the choice of others, such as the AUG.

It has long-range, mid-range, and close-range combat capabilities with very low recoil and a non-existent bullet drop.

UMP 45

Ah, another classic from the era of Counter-Strike 1.6. The UMP 45 was a popular weapon at the time for a reason, and it’s the best SMG in PUBG: Mobile for a reason as well. It’s one of the best weapons to have on you when in close-quarters combat, but don’t count on it when it comes to long-range.

This bad boy was designed to be quick and inaccurate, so use that to its full potential. Doesnt’t require much skill to use and yet It also just feels great to spray some poor soul down when they unexpectedly come into the same, tiny room where you are, or bump into you from behind a corner, etc.

The Beryl M762

This Polish-made gun is seemingly worse than its closest rival – the AKM – in almost every aspect. So why not just mention the AKM instead? Well, as previously discussed, not all weapons are good for all situations and it just so happens that the M762 is better than the AKM in close-range combat due to its better rate of fire. It has slightly lower damage (5%) per bullet, but if we fire both at full rate-of-fire and all the bullets hit their targets, in most cases the Beryl wins out. However, if the player practices and learns to use this weapon even without any attachments, it can eclipse the AKM with its higher ROF.

And let’s face it, the AKM can get kind of boring to look at as it has been a staple in almost every FPS game that came out, ever.


Ah yes, if we just slandered this weapon above, why mention it? Well, thanks to the AKM being easier to handle than the M762, some may consider it a better weapon. Not to mention that it’s an improved version of an absolute classic – the AK-47. One of the oldest debates in gaming is the M4 vs the AK-47, and with good reason. Both are some of the greatest weapons of all time and while one excels at long-range (M4) and the other at close range (the AK), both have a very similar mid-game. So it only stands to reason to put this weapon on the same list where the M4 is mentioned.


No, we’re not talking about Dragon Ball Super. However, the way this weapon hits opponents in close range would make even Goku proud.

Is there anything more satisfying than a double-barrel shotgun? Yes, a double-barreled pump-action bullpup shotgun that has better range than most pistols in the game. Yep, the DBS is one crazy weapon, and don’t tell this to anyone, but if this list was numbered, this weapon would be number 1.

There’s not much else to say. It’s a shotgun that shoots very fast, has crazy damage, and a range that makes most pistols cry.

Lastly, if you want skins for any of these weapons, you might consider PUBG Mobile redeem on U7BUY.