Call of Duty Mobile – Handbook to Basics and Cheap Cod Points

Whether you’re new to COD Mobile or an experienced player, this guide will provide you with the knowledge and strategies necessary to dominate the battlefield. It also offers insights on where to find affordable COD Points.

Call of Duty Mobile – Guide to Everything

Call of Duty Mobile is developed by Tencent Games and Timi Studios, bringing the iconic Call of Duty experience to the mobile platform.

1.  Starting out in COD Mobile

Download and Installation: You can download and install Call of Duty Mobile from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store by searching for Call of Duty Mobile and clicking on the download button. After downloading the game, launch it and follow the instructions given that will allow you to complete the installation process.

Account Creation: Having an account guarantees that your progress is preserved across various devices and enables you to play alongside your friends. You can save your progress by linking your account to any one of the media platforms mentioned below

  • Facebook
  • Google Play
  • Apple ID

For those seeking top-tier affordable accounts for Call of Duty Mobile, you can explore the U7BUY  to find the CODM account for sale tailored to your preferences.

Basic Controls: Familiarize yourself with the controls to navigate in Call of Duty mobile effectively.

  • The Virtual joystick displayed on the left side of your mobile screen is for the movement of your character.
  • The buttons displayed on the right side of the screen are for aiming, shooting, and using equipment.
  • Experiment with your control layouts to find the one that matches your playstyle.

2. Game Modes

Multiplayer: Multiplayer mode consists of multiple game modes that are fast-paced and challenge your skills. Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Search and Destroy are the most common ones that have a simple objective of either securing the objective or eliminating the opponents to win.

Battle Royale: Battle Royale mode offers a thrilling survival experience in which upon dropping into a vast map, you scavenge for weapons and resources. As the play zone shrinks, you engage in combat with other players to emerge victorious.

3. Loadouts and Customization

Weapons:By playing the game, you can unlock the vast weapon collection available in Call of Duty Mobile. You can unlock and upgrade weapons. There are different categories of weapons like

  • Assault Rifles
  • Sniper Rifles
  • Shotguns
  • SMGs

By equipping different attachments, camouflages, and weapon perks, you can learn the perks in COD Mobile and also find the right loadout that matches your playstyle in the process.

Character:In terms of characters, each has distinct abilities. By leveling them up, you unlock additional perks and abilities. This motivates you to understand each character’s abilities and enhance your playstyle and team dynamics accordingly.

Scorestreaks:You can earn streak points through kills, assists, and playing the objective. This will allow you to call in the scorestreaks depending on the ones you have equipped.

4. Strategies and Tips

Map Knowledge: Getting the lay of the land is extremely important to outplay your opponents. This will allow you to play terrain advantage gunfight, hold chokepoints where you have a better chance of winning, and anticipate enemy movement by knowing the spawn locations in the map.

Teamwork: Communication and teamwork are essential for achieving victory in any game. You can do that by coordinating with your teammates to play objectives and secure victories. Depending on your team’s playstyle, play the required class role that will help your team in any way.

Practice and improvement: To improve in Call of Duty Mobile, practice consistently. Regularly do your aim practice, movement, and overall gameplay. Review your performance, learn from the mistakes you make, and adapt your strategies that suit your play style.

Stay Updated on Game Updates: Keep yourself updated with the game’s updates and changes. This allows you to have an understanding of the game, how the changes will affect the playstyle, and how to outplay certain changes in the game. You can learn about patch changes by joining online communities, and forums, or by joining social media groups.

Where to Buy Cheap COD Points

Upgrading weapons or unlocking can be a little bit gritty and time-consuming. To avoid that, we recommend you purchase COD Points. The ingame store however can be a bit expensive. To make up for the price, the U7BUY website offers reliable prices for you to buy. With this, you can purchase weapon experience boosts, characters, and weapon skins of your choosing with COD Points.

To purchase Cheap COD Points, you simply have to log into the U7BUY website and selecting the offer you will buy. You will have to give your Player ID as well which can be found by clicking on settings on the top right of the screen. Afterward, go to the legal and privacy section, and then on the first line, you will find your player ID.