Fastest Way to Reach Legendary in COD Mobile

It won’t be easy to rank up since you will face other godlike players, and more often than not, get matched up with headless chickens who have no idea what they are doing. With lots of external factors and a high skill-ceiling, readching Legendary rank in COD mobile seems like an impossible task.

But hey, what if I told you a legendary player in COD Mobile took a day to get to that rank. What are his secrets? How did he do it so fast? And how can you realistically reach the highest rank in the game in the shortest amount of time possible.

You won’t get there by just spraying bullets at your opponents. So here’s the fastest way to reach Legendary in CODM.

Tip 1: Know how to use rank cards

If you want to level up quickly in COD Mobile, consider using rank cards such as Double Rank XP and Rank Shield. The Double Rank XP card will double your XP, allowing you to progress to legendary status at twice the speed. Meanwhile, the Rank Shield card will protect your rank points from being deducted when you lose a game, helping you avoid dropping ranks. 

For maximum XP gain, it’s recommended to use both cards. You can obtain these cards by opening crates such as the Consolation Prize crates. 

Tip 2: Playing all the game modes

By playing all game modes, you can earn motor select bonuses that will grant you additional rank XP. The more modes you play, the more points you will receive. For instance, if you select five modes, you will get seven extra points per win. 

To quickly reach legendary status, it is recommended to play all modes. If you are not comfortable with all modes, don’t worry – it is normal. Playing different modes will enhance your skills and help you become a better player overall.

Tip 3: Aiming For MVP

To earn more XP in CODM, it’s important to aim for the Most Valuable Player (MVP) title. To become the MVP, try to score more points than your teammates in every win. You can use the Hardline perk to steal the MVP even with fewer kills. 

Additionally, opt for easy-to-get score streaks like UAV, Shock RC, and Hunter Killer Drones to get quick assists and kills, which will help boost your points. Being the MVP will earn you more points and help you reach the Legendary rank faster.

While getting kills is important in taking that sweet MVP title after the game, you should also minimize your deaths at all times. Dying will leave you with less time for contributing to your team and every single death is a step closer to the MVP title, and ultimately your dream rank.

Tip 4: Play with A Team

Playing with players you know or on pre-built five-man teams can significantly increase the chances of winning compared to playing solo. It can be challenging to carry the entire team in solo play since you have no idea of your allies’ skills and playstyle.

Playing with friends who are also serious in reaching Legendary rank in COD Mobile with you will increase your chances of winning games manifold. Not only do you get assurance that you won’t get any trolling teammates but you also have synergy and can pull off strategies together.

In ranked matches, you can also find professional players on global chat by clicking on their profiles and inviting them to join your team. It’s better to team up with skilled players from global chat rather than relying on randomly assigned teammates in COD Mobile. You can also buy a Call of Duty Mobile account, which can help you play with high-level players!

Tip 5: Use daily win bonuses 

Make use of the daily first win bonus. In the main lobby, you can find today’s first win bonus at the bottom right corner. Choose the game mode with a trophy icon to gain extra XP when you win. For instance, Domination gives you +40 XP. By doing this daily, you can accumulate XP quickly, making your journey to Legendary rank faster. Or top up COD points Mobile to have more skillful weapons to get more XP.


Many people get stuck at elite levels and do not accomplish to rank up, and that is not surprising. The good news is that I have made a list of five tips and tricks to improve your ranking quickly. The only thing to note: the tips offered above would require an amount of practice and discipline.