Clash of Clans: A Beginner’s Guide to Heroes

U7BUY is a site all about gaming and helps fill your gamer needs. Check out some of the Clash of Clans accounts for sale now at U7BUY! Clash of Clans is all about building up your village and armies to rank up in online battles for resources. One of the best ways to do this is not just through training as many troops as possible, but to also get yourself some special heroes.

Clash of Clans Hero units are unique in that you will only need to train them once to have them. Even if they are defeated in a raid, they will simply take some time to regenerate their health before joining the next fight. Each COC hero unit has its own special abilities in combat and certain amounts of health, damage, and defense.

The Barbarian King is the most common hero unit that there is in Clash of Clans. He is incredibly tall and built with a sharp sword meant for his enemies to do massive damage. The Barbarian King is the first Clash of Clans hero that you can unlock after upgrading your Town Hall to at least level 7.

Thanks to the King’s stature, this COC hero is very much considered a tank. This makes the King great for distracting enemy buildings and troops to take the most damage for the rest of the army. However, be careful against swift attackers such as archers, as the Barbarian King tends to be a very slow attacker.

The Archer Queen, as her name may suggest, is the best of the archers in the game. She carries an incredibly large and powerful crossbow to give her not just good damage against enemies, but a much longer range in her aim. The Archer Queen can be unlocked after reaching Town Hall level 9.

The Archer Queen is amazing at dealing damage against her enemies, especially when it comes to defending the village. This is thanks to her long range and speed with attacks. The main factor to keep an eye on with this Clash of Clans hero is her health. Her health is a bit smaller compared to other heroes, but avoiding close-ranged battles is all she needs to do.

The Grand Warden is the next hero, and he is known for his powerful magic skills. He can not only attack enemy troops and heroes with his powerful blasts of magic from his staff, but he can even fly over walls to travel quicker across villages. This makes him a great pair with other aerial troops to lead.

This COC hero is unlocked after Town Hall level 11 with the Grand Warden Altar. The Grand Warden also has access to much more health compared to other heroes, making him not only hard to hit while he’s in the air, but able to tank a lot of damage. However, be careful against any enemy air defenses, as they can prove to be very lethal.

The Royal Champion is a hero who is harder to pinpoint a role to on the battlefield. This Clash of Clans hero carries a sharp and large spear as her weapon of choice, making her great when it comes to close combat with enemy troops. She can also target defense buildings whenever nearby.

The Royal Champion is known as a hero for defending the village. She can only go a certain range away from her altar but is very swift and powerful with her movement speed and attacks. Otherwise, this hero deals just about the same amount of damage as the Archer Queen, making her a great damage dealer.

The Battle Machine is another unique COC hero in that he will not target enemy troops. Instead, the Battle Machine will tear down buildings of enemy villages and always targets defense buildings first. This makes it much easier to handle the defense buildings when raiding any village so that the rest of your troops can target their enemies first.

As the Battle Machine is deployed for longer in a raid, its attack level and abilities will level up. The higher the level means that the machine can attack higher HP-leveled buildings at quicker speeds. However, the Battle Machine is susceptible to cannon fire, so be sure to try and deploy it away from them. The Battle Copter is very similar to the Battle Machine, only in the air instead! The Copter can shoot down walls and buildings using their cannon-like fire from up above. This makes them great to pair with other aerial troops and the Battle Machine too. Each hero in Clash of Clans can be unlocked and used for success in battle, but it is all about knowing how to use them well. Top up COC gems today with U7BUY!