Genshin’s Most Popular Female Characters

Let’s not kid ourselves. Many people play Genshin Impact for the waifus (Raiden, Yae, Beidou, Ningguang) and husbandos (Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya, Alhaitham), with the majority skewing towards the waifus. As it’s been proven time and again, most of the female character banners do much better than the male ones unless it’s a really good character like Zhongli, and characters like Raiden Shogun keep dominating the charts. Now, in this article, we’ll talk about some of the best female characters in Genshin Impact – both in strength and beauty.

It’s worth mentioning that some of the more popular characters like Ganyu have costumes/outfits that you can get – but you’ll need Genesis Crystals to do so.

Raiden Shogun

It wouldn’t be a good list if Raiden Shogun wasn’t the first character on it. She’s our Electro Queen, after all. Raiden Shogun was introduced with the Inazuma region Update for Genshin Impact, and she made the players go wild over her. Not only is she beautiful, but she is also an “Archon”, one of Genshin Impact’s “God” characters like Zhongli and Venti before her. She is the strongest Electro unit in the entire game, and her weapon is also one of the best Polearms in Genshin Impact, being suitable for many different characters as their strongest option.


The second on this list is none other than the cocogoat, the legendary adeptibeast! In all seriousness, Ganyu is the queen of DPS and still one of the best damage machines in Genshin Impact. Her bow charge attack mechanic is insanely powerful. But her power isn’t all there is to this character. She has a beautiful design, and her outfit drives the Genshin player base insane. Who doesn’t like tights, right?

Ganyu isn’t an Archon like Raiden, but she’s still a powerful Adepti like Xianyun and Shenhe, who we’ll get to in a moment (What is up with Adepti characters and being hot?), but she’s definitely as stronger or stronger than any Archon character introduced so far (Including Furina).


Shenhe is our cryo-mommy. There seems to be a pattern with Cryo characters in Genshin Impact, and instead of being cold – they’re just really hot instead. Rosaria, Ganyu, and Shenhe are all popular characters when it comes to their beauty.

Now, unlike Ganyu and Raiden, Shenhe is more of a support character. She applies a lot of cryo off-field, but that doesn’t mean she’s weaker than them. She might be less popular when it comes to clearing content, but that just means she needs a little bit more investment. Being a 5-star character, she’s going to be strong no matter what.

Wearing tight clothes that reveal some skin in all the right places, and wearing heel pumps, it’s no wonder Shenhe is one of the more popular characters in Genshin.

She becomes truly powerful at C6, but if you want to get her at that constellation, you’ll have to invest a lot of money into your account and get lucky, or find Genshin accounts for sale and get her like that instead.


We finally get to the “true” mom of Genshin Impact. Xianyun, otherwise known as the Cloud Retainer Adeptus, is the newest character to join Genshin Impact along with her adopted son, Gaming. Well, he’s not her adopted son – but many players have jokingly stated that she looks at him as if she was a proud mom in the cutscene at the end of the Lantern Rite event. But that’s not the only reason Genshin characters call Xianyun “Mommy”. It’s also the way she carries herself, the way talks, her tight outfit, and her glasses.

Xianyun is, similarly to Ganyu and Shenhe, an Adeptus – and she is their Teacher. She and Zhongli, the Geo Archon, seem to share some romantic history based on their interactions in the story, but this is yet to be fully confirmed.


As we mentioned earlier, there seems to be a thing with Genshin Cryo characters where instead of being cold, they’re pretty hot instead – and that’s the case with Rosaria, our resident Cryo Nun. Yep, there’s a little bit of something for everyone in Genshin Impact, and those who love tight, nun-like clothes and dominant characters will be overjoyed with Rosaria.

Those who are fans of fishnets and nuns are bound to pull for her, and they won’t be disappointed when it comes to her power on the battlefield either. While not the strongest Cryo unit, she is still a decent 4-star option to pull for.


Last, but not least – we have our female Xingqiu. Yelan is a Hydro bow character and if you take one second to look at her outfit and pose – it’s no wonder she’s considered as one of the hottest Genshin Impact characters.

Much like Xingqiu, when she uses her Elemental Burst, she allows other characters (including herself) to apply hydro to opponents, making her a really strong support DPS character. She has utility outside of combat as well, as her Elemental Skill allows her to run fast while in stealth.


These were just some of Genshin Impact’s hottest female characters and many others might not have made this list – but are still loved by the community such as Yae Miko and Navia. You might want to check out a Genshin Shop if you want to get some of these characters for yourself!