Most Used Guns in Call of Duty Mobile

After breaking all records in terms of recurring player base in the multiplayer FPS realm, Call of Duty moved to mobile devices back in 2019. After one of the most talked-about releases in all of gaming’s history, CoD Mobile proved to be a worthy sibling of the broader Call of Duty family.

CODM is also full of fancy cosmetic items to further flesh out the player’s personality and playstyle, and you can easily unlock all those goodies via a CODM top up. The devs are always busy when it comes to balancing and changing the meta, with new seasons rolling in to introduce exciting changes regularly.

To point you in the right direction, here is a list of the currently most used guns in Call of Duty Mobile!


Call of Duty Mobile’s Season 8 brought the powerful R9-0 shotgun, dishing out 17×12 damage with a single pull of the trigger with an above-average fire rate when it comes to shotguns. As with other weapons of this type, the R9-0 suffers in terms of accuracy and has a small range of effectiveness. 

Thus, there’s only one way to get the most out of this gun: get into your opponent’s face and make sure all of the pellets hit a target. The R9-0 is perfect for a daring playstyle, and its relatively low weight won’t hinder your mobility by much. 

CODM features several attachment options for the R9-) allowing players to address its low accuracy and other shortcomings.

DL Q33

This is the most popular sniper rifle currently in CODM, offering all of the advantages one would expect from a scoped, heavy caliber weapon: excellent range, one-shot-one-kill capabilities, spot-on accuracy – but also a slow fire rate and obvious mobility penalty. 

Each shot of the DL Q33 deals a whopping 90 points of damage, and combining it with the Agile perk makes using it a far less cumbersome affair. The Dead Silence perk also fits nicely with the sniper playstyle, so be sure to unlock that one before long. 

As for the weapon’s attachments, we recommend getting the Extended Mag A upgrade to counter its slow fire rate, as well as the YKM Combat Stock.


One of the most versatile weapons in the game, the SKS semi-automatic rifle is any CODM marksman’s wet dream. The weapon has a 20-round magazine size, a very high fire rate, and does a respectable 60 points of damage. As such, it can one-shot enemies assuming you’ve landed a headshot, while it usually takes two bullets to the torso to score a kill with this weapon. 

The SKS is reliable in terms of accuracy and range, making it an optimal choice for both mid-range and long-range skirmishes. The Toughness perk is an excellent pick here as it will reduce your flinch range after getting shot, allowing you to stay on the offensive in the heat of the moment.

Equipping the SKS with a Tactical Suppressor is a good way to leverage mobility further and you might be able to quickly chain up silent takedowns if you’ve managed to sneak up on a group of foes. 


Having a reliable sidearm at the ready can save your skin in CODM, and the MW11 is the most popular choice owing to its handling and high accuracy. While each shot does only 26 damage, the pistol’s lightweight makes it the perfect choice for switching to once you deplete your main weapon’s magazine.

The MW11’s fire rate of 44 is another highlight of this weapon since it pairs so nicely with its 50 range. The 15-round Reload attachment is worth investing in in MW11’s case, especially if your sniper rifle runs out of bullets. 


For many, the run-and-gun playstyle is what Call of Duty is all about, and there’s hardly a better weapon for it in CODM than the CB4 submachine gun. It deals 24 damage per shot, but comes with a high fire rate of 80, making it super-easy to pepper enemies from close range full of lead. 

The OWC Marksman barrel is an important attachment to recommend here, as it increases the CBD4’s bullet spread alongside increasing its range and stability. The Tactical Scope will prove handy as well. For the CODM Battle Royale mode, we highlight the usefulness of the OWC Laser–Tactical and Stippled Grip Tape upgrades, both of which improve the aiming-down-sights periods when using the CBR4.

Regarding the other multiplayer modes of CODM, we recommend using the YKM Light Stock if you want to shorten the pause between sprinting and firing the weapon. The weapon’s recoil will take a hit in that event, but the Stippled Grip Tape is there to optimize the bullet spread when firing the CBR4 from the hip.