Overwatch 2: A Deep Dive on Heroes and Types

Go see the many Overwatch accounts for sale now at U7BUY! In Overwatch 2, there are a ton of Overwatch 2 heroes to choose from with their own unique abilities to experiment with. But it can be a little overwhelming when first getting into the game. Which one do you pick? While the game is meant for the flexibility of switching between characters in the middle of matches, which ones are the best to switch to for you?

There are three types in total of Overwatch 2 characters. The Tanks are the first. Just as the name implies, Tanks are known for their massive amounts of health and ability to defend their teams with abilities like the shield. Tanks are always good to have on the front lines to charge in first to begin every battle.

The greatest example of what a Tank type of Overwatch 2 hero looks like is Reinhardt. Reinhardt is incredibly imposing as a character not just because of his size, but his great amount of health and the huge hammer he carries. He can not only spawn a great shield to protect himself and his teammates, but he also has a charge move that can do incredible damage to foes.

Another form of the Tank is characters like D.Va. This character in Overwatch 2 has a bit more leeway to be a lone wolf away from the team. That is if the team is handling its own well enough, otherwise you would want to stay close. D.Va can not only take a great amount of damage, but she can also dash through opponents quickly and can even fight outside of the mech suit!

Moving on to the next Hero type, this is arguably the most popular one and the most plentiful. The Damage Hero types contain Heroes that are all about making as much damage as possible against the enemy teams and making the most kills. However, the Damage Heroes don’t have as much health as the Tanks, making it crucial to stay together as a team most of the time.

Tracer is the best example of a Damage Overwatch 2 Hero. She is known for her great speed in movement and attack with her pistols. She can even backtrack on her steps to create impressive attacks. However, while this character in Overwatch 2 can move quickly in and out of battles, she has a lower amount of health compared to the Tanks and won’t last too long away from her team unless super careful.

Widowmaker is another Damage-type Hero in Overwatch 2 but in a different sense. Most players are not going to play Widowmaker on the main lines of battle. This is due to her being a sniper with a grapple hook that can take her to high places. To help achieve more kills, Widowmaker can snipe from higher grounds to keep her team moving.

Finally, the last Hero type is the Support. The Support Overwatch 2 Heroes are in charge of supporting their teammates through health. This can be done in multiple unique ways through Hero abilities with some even still being strong enough to do battle as well. However, some Heroes are more useful for giving health rather than battling at all and are often heavily targeted by enemy teams.

The most “supportive” Support Hero in Overwatch 2 when it comes to solely giving health is often considered to be Mercy. Mercy can fly around the entire map, allowing her to quickly reach and hover over every teammate and being hard to aim at. She heals through her wand and creates a health-giving beam that connects to a teammate. She does have a small pistol, but it is not incredibly powerful compared to Damage Hero weapons.

Moira is a fantastic example of a Support hero still being able to be a mighty opponent in a fight in the right circumstances. She is able to form spheres and throw them with her hands towards players. These spheres can either give health to teammates or be switched as a form of attack. The spheres can bounce off of walls too, making them hard to dodge at points when used as an attack, or easier to aim with skill when healing.

Overwatch 2 requires a great amount of knowledge over time on the Heroes that you play. The matches are designed to be able to switch between Heroes and their types at any point, making the call for strategy great. However, many players will still have their preferences as to what main playstyle fits them the most and feels the most fun to play. Whether you are a Tank, Damage, or Support Hero player in Overwatch 2, you will still find yourself playing a crucial role in your teams. Check out the pro OW boosters for sale at U7BUY!