The PUBG Beginner’s Guide

U7BUY has every game currency available that you can think of. If you are ever low on G coins, check out the site and its deals now! PUBG is a difficult game especially for those not used to playing Battle Royale or third-person shooters. But like with any game, having the right knowledge and practice quickly makes a difference.

The first thing to keep in mind is understanding that you’re a beginner and what that means for you. As a newbie, you will likely be dying a lot very early in your first few matches. Players will progress at different rates when it comes to how well they play, so don’t push yourself too hard and cut yourself some slack!

The best way to start avoiding being killed early as a beginner is to start choosing your battles. You don’t have to rush in and kill every single other player you see. This is especially true if that player may have gotten lucky and found a really good PUBG weapon already or has better placement than you when it comes to battling.

Speaking of choosing battles, it is wise to always be moving on the map. This not only helps you always find more items and better weapons to keep up with your competition but also decreases your chances of getting trapped outside the safe zone. Take advantage of the time you must scavenge for supplies, but always keep your eyes on the map and where you’re headed.

When it comes to fighting, there are a lot of intricacies to it that will take lots of time to fully master if at all. For example, it is also very smart and wise to keep yourself moving while shooting or melee attacking. This is to ensure that you won’t get hit as much by your opponents, but also avoid stationary target weapons such as grenades that can be a dangerous game-ender.

Another keynote about combat in PUBG is using cover. Make sure that you don’t have your entire body outside of cover for long. Just one second out could end your match, especially with higher fire rate guns. Also, keep in mind what other cover spots you have mid-battle and when is the best time to shoot while leaving said cover spot.

There are also lots of items to keep in mind about PUBG. It can get overwhelming on which items you should keep for later, use now, or use at all! However, there are a couple of neat tricks and bits of information that even pros use that can be a lifesaver for new players. One of these is the use of Energy Drinks.

Energy Drinks are considered an upgrade to Painkillers in PUBG. They both can boost your health quickly, which can be a game changer in some ugly situations in a match. Using two Energy Drinks can give you more of a health boost compared to Painkillers, so it is best to always keep an eye out for them and stock up when you can.

As mentioned before, grenades are tremendously powerful and can even be a one-shot if timed correctly against someone. You can even use smoke grenades that can block another player’s vision and help you either escape or take the high ground in a difficult fight. This is why it is always smart to always keep at least a few grenades with you to keep yourself feeling safe.

Another big part about PUBG that gets almost all new players paranoid about is picking up health boosts. Your inventory is limited, so you can’t pick up everything that you see on the map and will have to sacrifice some items for space. However, lots of new players may end up sacrificing good items like grenades for more health packs.

While having more health is indeed a good thing, players must learn to have a balance between their health boosts and weapons or grenades. On average, you may only need a couple of first-aid kits or Painkillers. Even if you need more, you can always try hunting for more on the map, which you will often easily find!

PUBG has lots of parts to its gameplay that can be very overwhelming for all types of new players, but that’s okay! What matters most is the time that is put into the matches and what can be taken or learned from each one. With the knowledge of maps and how to fight with cover with better attention to aim, your gameplay journey will only get better with time. Get a PUBG account for sale with U7BUY!