The Quickest Way to Power Up Your Dragon Ball Legends Characters

Have you browsed through a Dragon Ball Legends tier list? Great! Because this means that you’ll already know what some of the best characters in the game are. However, that information is pretty useless unless you know how to power up your Dragon Ball Legends characters. That’s what this guide is all about. We’ll share tips on boosting the power of your Dragon Ball Legends characters, making your online gameplay so much easier.

Of course, you could also look for a DB Legends account for sale. It means that you won’t have to put all the hard work into leveling up the characters. Somebody else will have already done this for you, which is awesome!

Boosting Your EXP

You won’t level your Dragon Ball Legends characters without EXP. When you gain a certain amount of EXP, your character will level up. Stars will then be boosted.

There are multiple ways to boost EXP, but these are the best:

  • Complete stories. Stories give a healthy amount of EXP and will have you quickly leveling up your legends.
  • Train: you can unlock certain training items in the game. You can then use these training items to send the characters to the training ground. They’ll then have a boost in EXP.

If you browse about in-game, there’s plenty of information about how training can help and, in our opinion, training is the only option you should be using if you have a lower leveled character that you need to level up quickly.

Soul Boosts

As you play through the game, you’ll unlock souls and Zeni. You can use these to boost the stats for your characters, plus their Arts levels. The higher the boost, the more of these resources you’ll need.

If you don’t have any of these resources, then you can send some Dragon Ball Legends characters out on an adventure. They’ll gain some EXP in the process, while also coming up with all sorts of useful leveling gear.

Class Up

You might think that once you’ve hit the level cap that’s it, but it isn’t. The stats for each of the Dragon Ball Legends characters can be boosted a long way beyond this. This is known as a ‘Class Up’ feature. The only way to Class Up is to hit the max level for a particular class, and then use your Soul Boosts on the Soul Panels.

It is a pretty convoluted process if you have not done it before (this will come much later in the game). Thankfully, you can tinker about with the help section in the game, and it will tell you everything that you really need to know about the Class Up feature.

Limit Breaks

The Limit Break will hit when your Dragon Ball Legends characters have enough Z power. You don’t really need to do anything for this. It is an automatic process, and it will be triggered once your character is at 7 stars. You’ll want to limit break a lot because the more you do it, the more powerful your Dragon Ball Legends character will be.

Play With Different Characters

While some people will probably be successful playing Dragon Ball Legends with just a few characters, there are hundreds in this game. If you want to level up as many as possible, then swap them around. Try out a few new characters and their abilities. Play through the stories with them. When you play through the stories, you’ll discover characters that you might not have thought would have been any good, but end up being awesome. You’ll also gain a few levels.

Plus, the more you end up playing Dragon Ball Legends, the more power you will end up collecting in the game, which will make it even easier for you to level everybody up properly.

If you want the best story that gives the most experience, then most people recommend that you try part 1, book 5, chapter 7. You’ll want to switch it to hard mode. The active fighters will get 17k in experience, while the ones sitting on the sideline will get 1.7k. Of course, you’ll probably need a decent amount of skill in the game to make some progression here, but once you are able to beat that story mode with ease, you’ll be knocking the levels out like crazy. Most people end up getting a really strong character in the game, then play through that particular story just to round out their EXP for all their other Dragon Ball Legends characters.

Buy an Account

While there are plenty of places where you can buy a DB Legends account, one of the best platforms is It is packed to the brim with an affordable DB Legends account for sale, and it is a highly reputable site too. This means that you are going to be in safe hands when you buy from there.

For the guide to Dragon Ball Legends tier list, you can find it on U7BUY Blog.