Top Heroes to Counter Valentina in MLBB

U7BUY stands out as the top choice to buy Mobile Legends items, and it also provides cheap ML diamond pins. In the dynamic world of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, where power and strategy collide, there emerges a challenge that many face but few overcome – the enigmatic mage, Valentina. With abilities that weave the fabric of magic into a tapestry of dominance, she stands as a formidable adversary. Yet, in the heart of this challenge, lie the keys to her undoing. Through the tales of Natalia, Gusion, and Kagura, we find not just strategies, but a manifesto for victory.


Stepping out from the shadows, Natalia embodies the essence of stealth and precision. Her tale is not one of brute force, but of cunning, a silent dance around Valentina’s formidable defenses. Natalia’s strategy revolves around her ability to disrupt, to sow chaos whereas Valentina seeks order. It is in the silent footsteps, the whisper of a blade, where Natalia finds her strength. Against Valentina, she is the unseen fear, the ghost that haunts every spell. The key lies in timing, in striking when Valentina least expects, turning her strength into her downfall. Natalia’s presence on the battlefield serves as a constant reminder that power, unchecked by vigilance, is a perilous path.


In the annals of Mobile Legends, few tales are as compelling as that of Gusion, the assassin whose speed is his creed. Against Valentina, Gusion’s narrative is one of relentless assault, a tempest that sweeps away the meticulous plans of his foe. His approach is direct, a series of calculated strikes that leave no room for Valentina’s counterplay. Mastery of Gusion’s unique skill set is paramount; each ability must be a note in a symphony of destruction. For those who wield Gusion against Valentina, the battle is a test of agility, of being an unstoppable force against an immovable object. In this clash, precision and speed are the victors, leaving no ground for Valentina’s magic to take root.


The tale of Kagura is a masterpiece of nuance, a demonstration of the art of warfare in which, in the face of Valentina’s strength, every step is a masterstroke. She uses her umbrella as a strategic tool that manipulates the course of battle, making it more than just a weapon. The dance of Kagura is a symphony of restraint and aggression, a performance of equilibrium. With deft timing, Kagura’s tactic against Valentina exposes her weaknesses while exploiting her strengths. Similar to orchestrating an orchestra, mastering Kagura’s skills requires precise timing, location, and execution, all of which build to a crescendo that Valentina cannot handle. When you play as Kagura, the battlefield becomes a blank slate, and your triumph is a strategic masterpiece.

Achieving Success

The richness and complexity of Mobile Legends are showcased in the journey to counter Valentina. on order to succeed, you must be well-versed on both your personal hero and your enemy. At the very top of this challenge, you’ll find Natalia, Gusion, and Kagura—each of them is a different solution to the mystery of Valentina.

The ability to pivot, change course, and absorb new information are crucial for success. It is possible to improve one’s tactics with each encounter and every battle. The capacity to adapt and triumph, rather than relying on a certain hero or strategy, is the secret to vanquishing Valentina.

Defeating multiple heroes is essential to winning in Mobile Legends as you set out on this mission. The tides of combat must be understood, and the strengths and weaknesses of your friends and foes must be considered. Even though Valentina is a fearsome character, she is only a little part of the long story of Mobile Legends.

Our success depends more on our performance than our heroes. Split-second choices typically decide games. Valentina draws strength from the stories of  Natalia, Gusion, and Kagura. In the art of combat, when faced with overwhelming odds, let them be your compass.

Always keep in mind that in the Mobile Legends universe, each fight is a tale and each win is a tale waiting to be told. Dare to dream bigger, hone your craft, and create your own story of success. You want to prove yourself on the battlefield and carve your name into the annals of Mobile Legends history, not merely vanquish Valentina.

Thinking strategically, having good skills, and having an unwavering determination to win are the three most important things you can have as you enter the battlefield. There is no way to lose when you combine Natalia’s cunning with Gusion’s speed and Kagura’s plan. Embrace it, master it, and let the legend of your triumph be told. Before we wrap up, be sure to top up Mobile Legends at U7BUY now.