Trove Guide for Beginner

Welcome to the colorful and dynamic universe of Trove, a voxel-based adventure game that beckons players into a world of limitless possibilities. Developed by Trion Worlds, Trove seamlessly blends the excitement of exploration, the thrill of combat, and the joy of creation. As a player, you embark on a journey through diverse biomes, delve into dungeons teeming with challenges, and sculpt your corner of the universe with the game’s unique building mechanics.

Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or a newcomer to the world of voxel adventures, this guide will serve as your compass, navigating you through the basics and unlocking the secrets of Trove.

Choosing Your Class

In Trove, your chosen class defines your playstyle and abilities, contributing significantly to your overall experience in the game. Each class possesses distinct strengths, weaknesses, and special abilities, making the selection process crucial to your enjoyment of Trove. Let’s take a look at some of the classes:

  • Knight

The Knight is the embodiment of resilience on the battlefield. Armed with a sword and shield, the Knight excels in close-quarters combat and boasts a formidable defense. Their primary ability, “Iron Will,” grants temporary invulnerability, allowing Knights to absorb damage and protect their allies during intense battles. This class is an excellent choice for players who prefer a tanky and protective role.

  • Gunslinger

For those who favor ranged combat, the Gunslinger is a top choice. Armed with dual pistols, the Gunslinger excels at dealing damage from a distance. Their “Run and Gun” ability allows them to swiftly traverse the battlefield while continuously firing at enemies. With precision and agility, Gunslingers are ideal for players who enjoy staying on the move while delivering relentless ranged assaults.

  • Dracolyte

The Dracolyte taps into the ancient power of dragons, wielding fire as their primary source of destruction. With a staff in hand, Dracolytes can summon powerful fire attacks and control the battlefield with area-of-effect damage. Their ultimate ability, “Burnt Offering,” transforms them into a fearsome dragon, unleashing devastation upon their foes.

Experiment and Adapt

While these are just a few examples of the diverse classes in Trove, there are several others to explore, each offering a unique experience. As you progress in the game, you can unlock and experiment with different classes, allowing you to adapt your playstyle to different situations and challenges.

Navigating the Hub

Essential Locations in the Hub: The Hub stands as the bustling heart of Trove, a vibrant world teeming with activity and possibilities. Within this central hub, you’ll encounter key locations that are instrumental to your adventure. Colorful portals beckon, ready to transport you to diverse biomes and thrilling adventures, each with its challenges and rewards.

The Marketplace

Venturing further, you’ll discover the Marketplace—a dynamic area where players buy and sell items, fostering a lively economy within the Trove community. It’s a hub of commerce and interaction, where you can find valuable resources or trade your treasures.

Crafting Stations and Key NPCs

Central to your progression are the Crafting Stations scattered throughout the Hub. These stations are essential for refining materials, crafting powerful gear, and unlocking new possibilities for your character. From the forge to the loom, each station plays a crucial role in your journey towards mastery.

World Exploration

Embarking on a journey in Trove means venturing into a world brimming with diverse biomes, each offering a unique visual spectacle and distinct challenges. Understanding these biomes is key to navigating the voxel landscapes effectively.

Different Biomes and Their Characteristics

Trove boasts a rich tapestry of biomes, ranging from lush forests and frigid tundras to fiery volcanic realms. Each biome comes with its own set of environmental features, creatures, and resources. Whether you’re traversing the neon-lit wonders of the Neon City or navigating the perilous Dragonfire Peaks, adaptability is key to thriving in these varied environments.

Tips for Navigating and Surviving in New Worlds

  1. Gear Up

Ensure you equip suitable gear before venturing into new biomes. Different environments may require specific resistances or enhancements.

  • Be Aware of Enemies

Study the creatures inhabiting each biome. Some may be docile, while others pose serious threats. Understanding their behavior is crucial to survival.

  • Utilize Mounts

Invest in mounts to enhance your mobility. Some biomes may be vast, and having a trusty mount can expedite your exploration and keep you out of harm’s way.

  • Watch Your Surroundings

Pay attention to landmarks and environmental cues. This will help you navigate and avoid getting lost in the expansive and sometimes maze-like biomes.

  • Explore with Purpose

Set specific goals for exploration. Whether it’s finding rare resources, completing quests, or conquering dungeons, having a purpose adds direction to your adventure.

Resource Gathering

Navigating the diverse biomes isn’t just about sightseeing—it’s also about resource gathering. Identifying important resources and employing efficient collection methods are crucial components of your Trove experience. Some of the important resources and their uses are:

Shape Stone: Essential for crafting and upgrading gear.

Infinium: A versatile resource used in various crafting recipes.

Flux: The in-game currency, obtained through mining or loot, facilitating transactions in the marketplace.

If you want to buy Trove Flux, then U7BUY is the best place for it. Checkout here.


In the colorful world of Trove, your adventure is an ever-expanding canvas of exploration, combat, and creation. From choosing your class to navigating bustling Hubs and exploring diverse biomes, Trove invites you to shape your unique journey. Trove is not just a game; it’s an artistic journey waiting for your personal touch.