Best Steam VR Games 2024

It seems like it is finally happening – VR technology has become a ‘thing’. After plenty of false starts over the years, there now seem to be enough developers working on VR tech that games are coming through thick and fast. If you buy a Steam account for sale from us here at, then you can get an account that has a few VR games on it too, making it easier.

On this page, we’ll look at the best Steam store games for those who want the real VR experience. We’ve gone for a few different genres here, so there should be something for everybody.

Beat Saber

beat saber

This is a game that has appeared on pretty much every single VR platform so far. Why? Because it is an incredible amount of fun! Beat Saber is a rhythm game. In this game, you’ll be slashing your swords around to hit various notes.

Beat Saber has a lot going for it and, to us, it is no surprise it is one of the top Steam VR games. The best VR games always tend to be ones that are simple to pick up (since not everybody understands VR tech at the moment), and anybody can play Beat Saber. However, if you want to be the best of the best, it’ll take hundreds of hours to master. This is for fans of Guitar Hero and similar games.

Blade and Sorcery

blade and sorcery

If you buy cheap Steam cards online, then it may be worth buying Blade and Sorcery. You might not have heard of it, but once they play it, they want to tell everybody about it. That’s why we’re telling you about this awesome action game. At the moment, this is a basic concept. You won’t get tons of play out of it, but we reckon every minute you spend in Blade and Sorcery, you’ll have fun.

As the name suggests, you’ll be using blades, and magic, to blast through your foes. This may just well be one of the best games in the genre. Everything feels ‘realistic’, and we hope the tech that has gone into this game starts to appear in some of the more action-focused VR games out there.

Fallout 4 VR

fallout 4 vr

Yep. Correct! Bethesda’s awesome Fallout game is now available in VR form, and it is the full game. No corners are cut here.

Fallout 4 VR will put you deep into that well-crafted post-apocalyptic wasteland. Once you’re there, the world is your oyster. Like all Bestheda games, most of your time will be spent questing or shooting the enemies. However, Fallout 4 adds a few new features like base building, item collection, and more. Before you know it, hundreds of hours would have passed in the game.

This is the most content-heavy VR game out there. It really does have hundreds of hours to play, and the game never ends. It is perfect if you’ve played any of the other Bethesda RPGs (including Skyrim), because it plays so similar. We hope Bethesda finally get around to releasing their whole game collection in VR.

Elite: Dangerous

elite dangerous

Have you ever wanted to fly through space in VR? Well, you can now. You just need to get your hands on Elite: Dangerous! In this game, you can play however you want. Well, assuming that means being a space person. It was popular before it had a VR version, and it is now even more popular since.

Most of your time in Elite: Dangerous will be spent flying a spaceship. You can mine, deliver, and carry out combat. It is a complicated game since you’ll have full control over the spaceship. When you master the controls, it’ll be oh-so-satisfying.

At the time of writing, there is a bit of controversy surrounding Elite: Dangerous and microtransactions, so some people may try to put you off the game. However, we assure you that the microtransactions won’t matter to you at all. Not if you’re only there for the overall VR experience. They are all just cosmetics, making the game more beautiful. You’ll be in your ship most of the time so you don’t really need them.

Half-Life: Alyx

half life alyx

We don’t think there is a single guide to top VR games on Steam that wouldn’t include Half-Life: Alyx. This is the game that made people realize that VR could accomplish something. Plus, there were people wanting more stories from the Half-Life universe, and this is probably the closest we’ll ever get to HL3.

The whole game was designed with VR in mind, and it really shows. Nearly everything in the game can be touched and played with. This makes solving the puzzles, and the combat, very satisfying. Since it is the only full-length game designed with VR in mind (it is 11 hours long), the graphics are great, and the movement is perfect. More of this please, Valve!

I Expect You to Die

i expect you to die

If you love a game that expects you to think, then I Expect You to Die may be for you. You’ll spend your whole time solving a variety of challenges. If you fail, you die and have to restart. Some of the challenges later on in the game will require a lot of thinking, and we have struggled to make progress. When you solve the puzzles, though? Oh, it is so satisfying!



Finally, we’ll have Moss. This is a fantasy platform game. You’ll play as a small mouse that has become trapped in a fantasy land. In this game, you’ll be running through awesome, beautiful environments.

This is a VR game that is suitable for all ages. It can get challenging in places, but nothing somebody around age 10 shouldn’t be able to solve. The puzzles, and combat, are oh-so-satisfying to complete. We 100% recommend that you check out Moss.

There you have it.  7 awesome Steam VR games that you can go and play right now. They are all pretty cheap too, which is cool. Or you can check out U7BUY, the best Steam store, to get those games even cheaper.