Dofus Guide to Different Classes

Dofus Guide to Different Classes

In Dofus, there’s a long list of classes to choose from, which makes the overall gameplay unique. It allows you to explore multiple possibilities and experiment with character development throughout your journey.

Each class has a different role, playstyle, strengths, and weaknesses. Understanding each class’s primary roles and specializations is essential, which will give you effective team composition and strategy. Selecting a class in Dofus holds significant weight, influencing your overall gaming journey. 

A thorough understanding of your preferred playstyle and game dynamics is essential to pinpoint the perfect fit. Certain Dofus classes cater to tactical enthusiasts who relish setting cunning traps, while others appeal to those seeking complexity and mastery of intricate mechanics. 

This is the ideal place to be if you’re seeking advice on any Dofus classes. This in-depth guide explores every class, emphasizing their roles, specializations, and tactics for using their advantages in combat.

Dofus All Classes List

1. Cra

Dofus Cra is a great choice for roles like Damage Deaker, Debuffer, and Buffer. They are master archers with deadly accuracy. Cras excels at ranged combat. They provide invaluable support from a distance, piercing enemy lines with lethal arrows. Talking about the playstyle, keep your distance from your enemies and focus on dealing damage while controlling the battlefield by limiting enemy movement.

2. Ecaflip

Dofus Ecaflip class is a great choice for roles like Damage Dealer, Buffer, and Healer. They are Gamblers by nature. Ecaflips thrive on unpredictability. They wield luck as a weapon, capable of dealing significant damage or turning the tide of battle with a roll of the dice.

Talking about the playstyle of this class, make sure you have risk-taking abilities. While playing with this class, you can rely on luck-based abilities to deliver powerful blows or provide crucial support to allies.

3. Eliotrope

Dofus Eliotrope has the power to teleportate and manipulate space. They are elusive beings perfect for roles like Positioner, Damage, Deaker, and Healer. Talking about the playstyle, you can utilize teleportation to control the flow of combat, supporting allies by repositioning them advantageously while dealing damage from unexpected angles.

Dofus Eliotrope

4. Eniripsa

Dofus Eniripsa are masters of healing and debilitating magic. They wield the power of words to mend wounds or unleash devastating curses upon their enemies. They are perfect for the roles like Healer, Buffer, and Debuffer. In terms of playstyle, concentrate on using crowd control and debuffs to hinder opposing plans while simultaneously assisting your team by healing and bestowing buffs.

5. Enutrof

Treasure hunters obsessed with wealth, Dofus Enutrof excel at manipulating their surroundings and draining their foes’ resources. They are perfect for the roles like Debuffer, Summoner, and Buffer. Talking about the playstyle, use MP removal spells to control enemy movement while summoning creatures and providing buffs to aid your allies in combat.

6. Feca

Dofus Feca are stalwart defenders specializing in protective magic and glyph-based spells. They shield their allies from harm and control the battlefield with their magical glyphs. They are perfect for roles like Protector, Tanker, and Debuffer. Talking about the playstyle, prioritize protecting your team by erecting shields and glyphs, while also hindering enemy movement and reducing their effectiveness with debuffs.

7. Foggernaut

Dofus Foggernaut commands turrets and controls the battlefield with their strategic prowess. They worship the Great Oktapodas, guardian of the seas. They are perfect for roles like Healer, Positioner, and Damage Dealer. Talking about the playstyle, utilize turrets and tactical positioning to support your team while dealing damage from a safe distance.

8. Huppermage

Dofus Huppermage wields the elemental forces of balance, striving to maintain equilibrium in the universe. They manipulate energy to damage foes and bolster allies. They are perfect for roles like Damage Dealer, positioner, and Buffer. Talking about the playstyle, harness elemental magic to control the battlefield, balancing offense and defense while providing support to your team.

9. Iop

Dofus Iop are fearless warriors and are particularly used for close combat. They revel in battle, unleashing devastating physical attacks upon their enemies. They are perfect for the roles like Damage Dealer, Positioner, and Buffer. Talking about the playstyle, you can charge headlong into the fray, delivering powerful blows to enemies while bolstering your own and your allies’ strength.

10. Masqueraider

Dofus Masqueraider are masters of deception. They switch between different personas to confound enemies and support allies. They are perfect for the roles like Tank, Protector, and Damage Dealer. Talking about the playstyle, try playing alternate between defensive and offensive stances, utilizing mask changes to control the battlefield and provide support to your team.

Dofus Masqueraider

11. Osamodas

Dofus Osamodas are creature tamers, commanding summoned beasts to aid them in battle. They possess the ability to revive fallen allies and bolster their team’s strength. These classes excel in roles such as Summoner, Healer, and Buffer. In terms of playstyle, they enable you to summon creatures to aid in combat, bolstering both offensive and defensive capabilities. Additionally, you can contribute to your team’s success by providing healing and beneficial buffs.

12. Ouginak

Dofus Ouginak unleashes their rage upon enemies, tracking them relentlessly and crushing them with savage attacks. They are perfect for roles like Damage Dealer, Tanker, and Debuffer. Talking about the playstyle, you can channel your inner beast, charging into battle to engage enemies directly while soaking up damage and debuffing opponents.

13. Pandawa

Dofus Pandawa are martial artists who excel at manipulation and tanking. They use their strength and agility to control the battlefield and protect their allies. They are perfect for roles like Positioner, Damage Dealer, and Tanker. Talking about the playstyle, employ martial arts techniques to reposition allies and enemies strategically, while also dealing damage and absorbing hits for your team.

14. Rogue

Dofus Rogue set traps, manipulate the battlefield, and deal explosive damage to unsuspecting foes. They are perfect for the roles like Damage Dealer, Debuffer, and Positioner. In terms of playstyle, you may deliver damage remotely, sabotage opponent plans, and influence enemy movements by setting traps and using stealth.

15. Sacrier

Dofus Sacrier are berserkers fueled by pain and fury, drawing strength from their own suffering to protect allies and unleash devastating attacks upon enemies. They are perfect for roles like Tanker, Positioner, and Damage Dealer. Talking about the playstyle, embrace pain to bolster your strength and protect your team, while also positioning yourself strategically to control the flow of battle.

16. Sadida

Dofus Sadida are summoners who wield the power of nature to summon creatures and manipulate the environment. They poison enemies and provide support to allies with healing and buffs. They are perfect for roles like Summoner, Debuffer, and Healer. Talking about the playstyle, command nature’s wrath to summon creatures and hinder enemies, while also providing healing and support to your team.

Dofus Sadida

17. Sram

Dofus Sram are assassins lurking in the shadows. They are great at stealth and deception. They set traps, turn invisible, and strike from the shadows with deadly precision. Sram are perfect for the roles like Damage Dealer, Positioner, and Debuffer. Talking about the playstyle, utilize stealth and misdirection to control enemy movements while dealing damage and disrupting enemy strategies with traps and debilitating effects.

18. Xelor

Dofus Xelor control the flow of combat by slowing down enemies and teleporting across the battlefield. They excel at both offense and defense. They are perfect for the roles like Positioner, Debuffer, and Damage Dealer. Talking about the playstyle, you can manipulate time to control enemy movements and protect your team, while also dealing damage and disrupting enemy strategies with time-based spells.


Within the world of Dofus, the array of classes provides various gaming encounters. Grasping each class’s unique strengths and styles is vital in devising successful tactics. Armed with this guide, you’re now prepared to navigate the intricacies of selecting Dofus classes and discover the ideal match for your journey. Also, don’t forget to purchase Dofus Kamas for a hassle-free gameplay expereince.