How to Secure a Three-Star Win in the Chief of the North Challenge

Forge your path to supremacy in Clash of Clans with our exclusive Clash of Clans accounts at U7BUY! The Chief of the North Challenge in Clash of Clans (COC) is no easy task. This challenge, concluding in the third week of January 2024, tests the mettle of even the most seasoned players, requiring a nuanced approach to troop deployment, spell usage, and overall battle strategy.

Phase 1: Initiate with Sneaky Goblins and Wall Breakers

The challenge begins with a strategic deployment of eight Sneaky Goblins. Distribute them to target each Elixir Collector in the southern half of the base. This move not only disrupts the base’s resource collection but also redirects the focus of the Ricochet Cannon toward the Goblins, creating a diversion.

In tandem with this diversion, unleash six Wall Breakers from the south. Their task is to breach the formidable defensive walls, clearing the path for subsequent attack phases. This initial breach is a critical component of your strategy.

Phase 2: Masterful Use of the Archer Queen and Invisibility Spells

The Archer Queen is your trump card. Position her at the base’s bottom to target the Ricochet Cannon. At the critical moment, use an Invisibility Spell to shield her, thereby reducing incoming damage. As she progresses, continue employing Invisibility Spells strategically, especially after activating her Archer Puppet ability, to protect the spawned mini-archers.

Phase 3: The Northern Balloon Offensive

After breaching Town Hall 16, it’s time to counter the emerging enemy Heroes and Goblins. Deploy two Balloons at the northern edge of the base, targeting the Ricochet Cannons. The Balloons might tend to split after destroying the first Cannon – prevent this with an Invisibility Spell on the regular Cannon to ensure focused damage.

Phase 4: Tactical Use of Remaining Sneaky Goblins and Clan Castle Troops

With two Sneaky Goblins left, target the top right corner’s Elixir Collectors. Then, draw out Clan Castle troops with a Wizard, clumping them together using Valkyrie and the Wizard. Bring in the Barbarian King beside this group to effectively deal with these troops.

Phase 5: The Decisive Blow with Root Rider and Battle Blimp

In the final assault phase, deploy the Root Rider and Battle Blimp, alongside a Rage Spell, near the Archer Tower. This strategic placement is crucial for eliminating any surviving enemy units, including the opponent’s Archer Queen. Patiently watch as the Root Riders break into the base’s last compartment in the Southeast.

Phase 6: The King’s Giant Gauntlet Finish

As the Barbarian King and Root Rider make their way to the base’s Southeast part, activate the King’s Giant Gauntlet ability. This action is critical for the final push, aiming to annihilate the enemy King and the remaining defenses. The combination of the Root Rider, Battle Blimp, and the well-timed Rage Spell is essential to ensure the base’s total destruction, clinching the three-star victory.

Adapting to On-the-Fly Changes

One of the keys to mastering this challenge is adaptability. While the guide provides a comprehensive strategy, being able to adjust to the dynamics of the battle as it unfolds is crucial. Watch for unexpected movements of enemy troops or unforeseen weaknesses in the base, and be ready to modify your approach. Flexibility combined with a solid plan will give you an edge.

Maximizing Troop Potential

In addition to the main strategy, focus on maximizing the potential of each troop type. Understand the strengths and limitations of Sneaky Goblins, Wall Breakers, the Archer Queen, and others. For instance, knowing the exact moment to deploy the Invisibility Spell can significantly enhance the Archer Queen’s longevity and destructive power.

Utilizing Spells Effectively

Spells play a pivotal role in this challenge. Apart from the Invisibility Spell, the Rage Spell used with the Root Rider and Battle Blimp can dramatically amplify your attack power. The timing and placement of these spells can often determine the outcome of the challenge. Practice different spell combinations to see what works best for your style.

The Chief of the North Challenge in Clash of Clans is a test of strategic thinking, precision, and adaptability. By following this detailed guide and incorporating your own insights and adaptations, you can confidently aim for and achieve a three-star victory. Remember, each Clash of Clans challenge is an opportunity to hone your skills, learn new strategies, and enjoy the game’s rich strategic depth. With patience, practice, and a well-executed plan, the Chief of the North Challenge is yours to conquer. Click here to visit U7BUY to level up your Clash of Clans adventure.