Pink Mercy Skin: How to Get It In Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 has always been about looking good, and to look good, you’ll need to buy Overwatch 2 skins. Until Overwatch 2 launched, the bulk of the things you earned in games were skins. Some Overwatch skins were free (from in-game loot boxes), and other skins were paid only. Most are still available, but some have completely disappeared. The Pink Mercy skin is one of them.

People are absolutely gagging for the Pink Mercy skin, but unfortunately, unless you already have it, it is a skin that you’ll never be able to get your hands on. Well, unless you follow the one tip we’ll share later on. Somewhat irritating, but there are genuine reasons why the Pink Mercy will never be available again.

Why the Pink Mercy Skin is Popular

People love looking great in Overwatch 2. Since you can’t buy ‘power’, your skill (or possibly the amount of cash you have in your bank account) will be demonstrated by the skins that you wear.

Because the Pink Mercy skin was one of the only skins that you had to pay for in the original Overwatch (nearly everything else was available through loot boxes, which you could earn in-game), it is one of the rarest skins in the game. It can’t be purchased anymore, so nobody else will ever wear the Pink Mercy skin. So, if you have it, you can show it off, and potentially look down on others since they’ll never have the same skin.

While we acknowledge that many people want the Pink Mercy skin because it is rare, we love it because it is a beautiful skin. The pink really pops out, and it doesn’t detract too much from the overall design of Mercy. She just looks incredibly good. Plus, the fact that the whole skin was designed to help support breast cancer research really adds to the whole aesthetic of the skin. A healer, promoting a cause that has the intention of healing people.

Honestly, if you’ve ever seen a picture of the Pink Mercy skin, we’re positive that you’ll fall in love with it. In fact, you’re probably here because you love the Pink Mercy skin so much and want to get your hands on it.

The Pink Mercy Skin is No Longer Available (and Never Will Be)

While many Overwatch skins released over the years are still available in Overwatch 2, the Pink Mercy skin is not, and it is one of the only skins that is unlikely to make a return to the game. There are a few reasons for this.

Firstly, the rights to the Pink Mercy skin are not actually owned by Blizzard (according to sources). Instead, the rights are owned by the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. When the skin was released to the public, every single cent that the skin earned was put toward breast cancer research, a noble cause. However, the way in which it was released means that if Blizzard want to re-release it, they need to get permission from the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

The problem is that this is unlikely to ever happen. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, then you’ll know that Blizzard has been involved in a lot of scandals related to sexual harassment, and a woman-focused charity is unlikely to want to associate with Blizzard because of this.

This means that it is virtually certain that the Pink Mercy skin will never return. Now, don’t get us wrong, we can’t rule it out 100%. However, it is highly unlikely it will ever return. Plus, if it did return in some form, it’ll have to be removed from the store again at some point, which means that other people will lose out on the skin in the future.

Thankfully, there is one way to get the skin.

The Only Way to Get the Pink Mercy Skin

So, you want the Pink Mercy skin? Well, unless you’re an old-school Overwatch 2 fan, the only way you’ll get it is if you own an account with the skin already attached to it. This is easier than you might think. These accounts are rare, but we promise you that they exist.

Thankfully, if you’re on the hunt for a Pink Mercy skin account, then you’ll find an account or two here at In fact, we have accounts with more skins for sale too, which means that you can probably find an account with some of the more difficult-to-unlock skins, which should make it easier for you to dive into this awesome game and end up looking great.

Check out our website today!