PUBG Mobile 3.2 Update: Everything You Need to Know

The upcoming PUBG Mobile 3.2 update has players buzzing with excitement for its fresh features and unique themed mode. Many eagerly explored the 3.2 beta version, and PUBG recently released the final iteration, further amping up anticipation for the official launch. Gamers are eager to get their hands on version 3.2 and play the exciting “Mecha Transformer” mode and experience the brand new UC PUBG gameplay. 

Still, it is just the surface of things. The PUBG Mobile 3.2 promises a ton of other enticing offerings. To learn more about the eagerly expected new PUBG Mobile update, continue reading. Before we get into the specifics, however, permit me to thank, your one-stop shop for PUBG Mobile accounts, content, and UC redeem codes.

PUBG Mobile 3.2 Update Release Date

May 14, 2024, sees the release of the PUBG Mobile update. Official social media announcement of the news has been made by Tencent Games. Though you shouldn’t be concerned if you don’t get the PUBG mobile new update message immediately. Android and iOS devices will get it gradually. So, keep checking the Play Store or App Store. It’ll pop up eventually. So, all PUBG Mobile accounts will not receive the PUBG mobile new update simultaneously. 

The PUBG update might also not be available across all geographic locations at the same time. Remember to PUBG mobile new update the game itself and download the new theme and other content!

PUBG Mobile 3.2: What’s New? 

After the PUBG mobile new update, you’ll see these features in the game:

Mecha Fusion Mode 

Mecha Fusion Mode will let you change into powerful robots and enter combat in the upcoming mode. Additionally, you’ll get to explore new skills and thrilling action inspired by mechs. This adds a brand new dimension to gameplay.

Large alien ships will land on the battlefield, bringing massive robots that players can take control of. The PUBG Mobile 3.2 update introduces two distinct mecha types, each offering a unique way to dominate the battlefield:

Levitating Mechs: Take off and let your foes to be destroyed from above. Plan high ground positions and use aerial tricks to outwit and outflank your opponents.

Ground-Based Mechs: Pound the pavement with incredible speed and agility. Utilize your mech’s jumping abilities to scale buildings, close the distance on enemies, and unleash devastating close-quarters combat.

This level of battlefield versatility has never been seen before in PUBG Mobile. Will you become an aerial harbinger of doom, or a lightning-fast ground force tearing through the competition? The choice is yours!

Jetpacks and Aerial Combat 

The battleground will soar when the PUBG Mobile update releases later this month. Now that you have the greatest weapon for airborne supremacy—jetpacks—fasten your seat belts.

No longer confined to the ground, the 3.2 update lets you rewrite the rules of engagement. Jetpacks propel you into a thrilling new dimension of combat, opening up strategic possibilities never seen before:

Vertical Flanking: Outmaneuver your opponents with daring aerial maneuvers. Scout enemy positions from above and unleash surprise attacks, raining down destruction from unexpected angles.

Aerial Dogfights: Engage in high-octane battles for air superiority. Master the jetpack’s controls to outmaneuver your foes in exhilarating midair clashes.

Strategic Escapes: Need a quick getaway? The jetpack becomes your ultimate escape tool. Soar above the battlefield, leaving frustrated enemies in your dust.

The jetpack isn’t just a joyride. Mastering its controls will be key to maximizing your aerial advantage. Practice hovering, boosting, and making sharp turns to become an unstoppable force in the skies. Fly high with mechanical upgrades and wreak havoc from the skies. 

Magnet Gun and Mecha Combat

The tide of battle turns with the introduction of the Magnet Gun in the PUBG Mobile 3.2 update. This ingenious weapon disrupts enemy mechs, offering players a strategic advantage. By pulling these giants closer, they become susceptible to focused fire and daring takedowns.

120 FPS Gameplay 

One of the most played smartphone games worldwide, PUBG mobile, is about to become much better. Tencent has said that the much awaited 120 frames per second functionality will be included in the next Version 3.2 release!

This is fantastic news for fans who crave the smoothest possible gameplay experience. With 120 FPS, expect:

Ultra-responsive controls: React to threats and opportunities with lightning speed.

Visually stunning graphics: Experience the battlefield in unparalleled detail and fluidity.

A competitive edge: Every millisecond counts in PUBG Mobile. 120 FPS can give you that critical advantage when facing off against other skilled players.

PUBG Mobile gives options to improve performance and prevent overheating by adjusting graphics and frame rates. Players can choose between better graphics or smoother gameplay. If you switch to lower graphics settings, you can expect minimal lagging. 

While the awesome 120 FPS setting is confirmed for Version 3.2, it might not be available on every phone just yet. Don’t worry, though! PUBG Mobile will be tweeting more details about device compatibility soon. They’ll let you know which high-end smartphones can handle the silky-smooth gameplay you crave. Stay tuned!

Flare Gun and EMO 

The 3.2 update introduces two exciting new weapons that expand your combat options:

Flare Gun: Signal for a strategic advantage. Call down support or unleash devastating firepower to surprise and overwhelm your enemies.

EMO (Emergency Ordinance): Unleash tactical chaos! Deploy smoke grenades, deployable cover, or even an air strike to alter the battlefield and gain a tactical edge

Other PUBG Mobile 3.2 Updates Features

The new Self-Rescue feature adds a layer of strategy to PUBG Mobile. Knocked-down players can now attempt to revive themselves. This creates opportunities for clutch plays and tactical retreats.

There will be a new themed area after the PUBG Mobile update drops. This particular zone offers intense action – a true hot drop where you can clash with enemies head-on. The best part? Even if you fall in battle, you’ll respawn right back in the action, and keep the fight going!

The beta version of the upcoming PUBG Mobile 3.2 update will shortly be available for download. Though there may be some bumps along the road, your input will enable the engineers to smooth out any kinks before release.