A Guide To Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3

Call of duty has been around for more than a decade and it is no news that many of us might be interested in playing the game. If you are among the few that are just starting this game and you are in need of a tutorial on how to begin. This article will educate you on everything you need to know to get started as long as you have a MW3 account and you are ready to play the game. 

Major Changes Made in Campaign Mode

The new campaign has a mission called “Operation 627.” In this mission, players infiltrate a prison to rescue an operative. In terms of gameplay, changes have been made to the Heads-Up Display and character movement. Also, the core health is now fixed at 150, and the mini-map will also make a comeback.

Also, another unique thing about the campaign of Call of Duty Modern Warfare III, is that it is highly intense when compared to modern warfare 2. One of the most exciting and captivating gameplay modifications in MW3 is the return of Vladimir Makarov who has been a major antagonist in the story. 

Other changes have also been made in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, like the opportunity to cancel the reload and shoot the remaining bullets. The tactical sprint duration has also been extended and now recharges when sprinting. 

Campaign mode is a story-based mission that tells the story of Captain John Price and his squad. The Open Combat Missions allow players to finish an objective using stealth and all-out action. So to start enjoying this game, you should purchase it as soon as possible before you finish reading this article. To buy it, the Modern Warfare 3 on sale on steam or other verified online purchase stores. 

What You Need About Multiplayer Maps

The multiplayer maps for Modern Warfare 3 are the same as the predecessor. However, these maps are remodelled, and new modes have been added to create a modern display. These maps are:

6 Star 






Game Modes in Multiplayer


This is a new mode in multiplayer that is usually played in a team of three. Your team plays against another team in a 3v3v3 match.

War Mode

This mode was previously made available in MW2 which involves you pushing through straight objectives to move the battle line forward until you win.

Classic Core Multiplayer Modes

As the name suggests, it means these modes have been available for a while. Some of these modes include:

Team Deathmatch

This mode is a deathmatch that is played in a team of six players pitted against other enemies. The goal of this mode is to slay your enemy for points until you reach the designated points or the time limit runs out. The team with the highest points wins the match.  


Free-For-All means you kill anybody, anytime and anywhere until the score limit is reached. In this mode, you cannot pair with a friend.


In this mode, you are to capture the Hardpoint and defend it against the enemy until you reach the score limit. You shouldn’t forget to utilize the power of teamwork to enable you to win.  

Ground War

With this mode, you are meant to capture and defend your objectives. This mode involves the use of vehicles.  Captured objectives open forward spawning locations for your team.

Multiplayer Tips or Tricks

Before jumping into multiplayer with your friends you should learn a few tricks to enable you to play the game more efficiently. Some of the tricks are:

Adjust the behavior settings of your avatar

Stay away from corners. They are very dangerous.

Choose Tac-Stance if you are looking for a balance between hip fire and ADS.

Learn to utilize the minimap

Always make sure you activate the bonus xp tokens.

Always use a weapon you are most comfortable with.

Don’t forget to make your lasers invisible to the enemies.

Ranked Rewards

There are three ways in which your efforts in the game are rewarded and they are: 

Rank Rewards 

Season Rewards 

End-of-Season Rewards


The zombies mode is a first for the Call of Duty Modern Warfare III. And it offers an exciting journey into the world of zombies. This mode can be played solo or you can decide to team up with your friends to clear this mode. This debut mode is a Treyarch’s Dark Aether storyline that is played on the Urzikstan. 

Tips You Need For Clearing Zombies Mode

The PvP option is not enabled

Before playing the zombies mode, always have a plan.

Work with a team

Learn to manage your time accordingly

Understand the map