With so much of the enthusiasm going on around the Final Fantasy world, it’s time we celebrate one of the series’ most coveted crossovers going on right now! The Final Fantasy 14 and Final Fantasy 16 Crossover Event is now live, and players can finally access the questline! The main question is, how? And once you gain access to it, how do you even complete it? Your burning questions will be answered right here.
One crucial thing you need to worry about is that you must have finished the main scenario for the base game, which is known as “A Realm Reborn,” and you need to be at least level 50 in the game to deal with the enemies that this questline has to offer.
Be sure to stack up on that FF14 Gil to power up your weapons, skillsets, and items to make the best use of this FF14 crossover. It’s available here at our store on U7BUY, where the best and most affordable rates are offered to players worldwide.
Now that the details are out of the way, it is time we discuss in detail what the quest is about and what details are present in this questline. Let’s get right to it, then.
Steps On How To Begin The Quest
This FFXIV crossover quest is called “A Path Infernal.” To get this quest, as was indicated in the previous paragraph, you need to have at least one character at Level 50. The duration for this quest is April 2, 2024 – May 8, 2024. Ample amount of time to get your hands on this quest.
Another thing to bear in mind is that in order to begin the FF16&FF14 crossover event quest, you must visit Neophyte Adventurer in Steps of Nald, located in Ul’dah. Once you have done that, you will meet an old friend, the Wandering Minstrel, and head to a brand new quest titled “A Land of Fire.” It is highly recommended that you visit the FFXIV Shop and improve your gear before starting out with this quest.
How To Complete “A Land of Fire”
Once you meet up with the Wandering Minstrel, he will tell you about a dream that involved a literal “Burning Land.” He will ask you which area in the world of Eorzea resembles closest to his vision or dream, so answer with the Burning Wall in Thanalan.
Once the conversation is done, teleport to Camp Drybone and follow the quest marker to find the Wandering Minstrel present at the Burning Wall at the coordinates X28.3 Y24.5. You will be given a spyglass to examine the area, but there is only one thing that you will be looking for. At the bottom left of your screen, you will see FF14 Clive lying on the ground; press the action button to focus on him. After the cutscene, you will be transported back to Ul’dah, where another quest awaits.
How to complete “Pain to Recall”
The next quest will be much more straightforward than the previous one, where after talking to Clive FFXIV, you will be transported to the Airship Landing, and then right after another cutscene, you will be taken to Gridania. FF14 Clive here is an amnesiac, so it is your job to explore the city with him in the hopes that his memories are restored. You will have to talk to Clive FF14 at each of the four locations listed here in Gridania, which are the following: Carline Canopy, Chocobokeep, Aetheryte Plaza, and The Adders Nest.
Another cutscene will play out where, after a few more conversations, the third and final quest will be available, which is where the action is.
How To Complete “The Path Infernal”
Taking place right after the events in Gridania, FF14 Clive will take off on his own to Apkallu Falls, where you will need to follow him, and you will be thrown into a one-on-one battle with FF16’s Version of Ifrit. As part of the collaboration event, you will receive three special abilities to take on against Ifrit, which are inspired by FFXIV Clive’s Abilities, of course.
They’re named Rising Flames, where you charge forward and deal high damage; Dodge, where you can dodge unavoidable attacks only when a countdown appears while still dodging the regular AoE Attacks; and Precision Strike, where after performing Dodge, you jump forward and deal enormous damage towards the enemy.
Once the battle is done, you will have to head up to Camp Drybone and talk to FF14 Clive and the Wandering Minstrel yet again, after which you are given a final task to follow Torgal, FF14 Clive’s loyal dog. One final conversation with FFXIV Clive will end this quest, and that’s that!
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