Pro Tips for Lost Ark Newbies to Conquer the Game

Lost Ark is a much-anticipated game that combines classic MMORPG elements with a unique top-down perspective, heaps of treasure, and a captivating storyline that goes deeper than you’d expect. If you’re diving into the world of Lost Ark for the first time, the sheer volume of systems might feel a tad overwhelming.

Despite the game’s thoughtful pacing, the myriad customization options, diverse classes, numerous menus, and the vast expanse of Arkesia can be a bit daunting. Fear not! Here, we’ve got some essential tips and tricks to ease your entry into the enchanting realm of Lost Ark.

1. Navigate the Main Quest for XP Boosts

In typical MMO fashion, your initial hours in Lost Ark revolve around the Main Quest. It delivers not just hefty experience points but also unveils key regions, characters, and gameplay mechanics crucial for your entire journey.

Don’t overlook Guide Quests either – distinguishable by their purple hue in your menu. These quests unlock progressively and impart essential knowledge like pet usage or sailing. Prioritize completing them promptly to maximize the rewards they bring.

2. Avoid Spamming

Mindless skill spamming can spell disaster in gaming, and Lost Ark is no exception. While early quests may seem forgiving, mastering each skill on your hotbar becomes crucial. Identify cooldown durations, knockback effects, and casting times for optimal play. Blindly activating skills as they come off cooldown is a shortcut to defeat. Precision over spam ensures triumph in every battle.

3. Experiment with Your Setup

Beyond mastering your skills, delve into experimenting with your setup and equipped abilities in Lost Ark. The game generously offers free respec options, empowering you to tailor your build to your preferred playstyle. Use the flexibility of most classes, fearlessly altering your character’s dynamics until you discover the perfect fit. Don’t hesitate to make bold changes.

4. Create Alternate Accounts

With each class offering unique skills and playstyles, take the time to create alt characters in Lost Ark. Exploring the game through various classes ensures you don’t invest extensive hours in a single class, only to discover a newfound preference for another.

5. Activate Triports

In the vast expanse of Arkesia, your mount aids in navigating individual maps, but Triports are your key to covering large distances efficiently. Activate every portal you encounter. Remember, proximity alone won’t activate them; you must physically interact with these portals to unlock their travel potential.

6. Focus on Optimizing Your Companions

Lost Ark’s generous loot drops can quickly overwhelm you, but a trusty pet can turn tedious item management into a breeze. By equipping a pet, you enable them to automatically collect dropped items from defeated enemies. Take it a step further by delving into the Pet Menu, where you can fine-tune their skills to specify the type of gear they should prioritize.

7. Efficient Leveling in Lost Ark

Lost Ark’s true gameplay essence unfolds at the endgame, urging you to reach that pinnacle swiftly. To ascend the levels with unprecedented speed, prioritize completing Main Quests. While they serve as the primary catalyst for leveling up, don’t shy away from supplementing your journey with a handful of Side Quests when challenges intensify. These side missions often yield valuable gear and resources, bolstering your power and ensuring you can effortlessly conquer formidable bosses encountered in Main Quests.

8. Side Quests and Roster Rewards

While prioritizing the Main Quest accelerates your leveling journey, don’t overlook the strategic pause for Side Quests. These missions, often conveniently aligned with your Main Quest path, provide not only easy experience points but also valuable gear. Bolstering your character through Side Quest rewards ensures a smoother progression through the Main Quest, minimizing the risk of encountering overpowering boss foes.

9. Maximize Roster Rewards

In Lost Ark, dual leveling systems — Combat Level and Roster Level — shape your progression. While Combat Level is specific to your character, Roster Level influences all your account’s characters. Elevating your Roster Level offers permanent stat boosts, but remember to actively claim these rewards. Despite notifications upon each Roster Level-up, take the time to visit the Roster Menu and secure your newfound benefits

10. Buying Lost Ark Gold

Investing in Lost Ark Gold from U7BUY is a strategic move for beginners looking to enhance their gaming experience. With a reliable source, beginners can swiftly acquire the in-game currency, unlocking access to premium gear, resources, and valuable items.


Mastering Lost Ark requires a blend of strategic gameplay and thoughtful exploration. From efficient leveling to optimizing your gear, embracing diverse characters to unlocking the full potential of pets, these tips aim to empower both novices and seasoned players alike.