The Ultimate Guide to League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift ensures to bring the epic MOBA experience to mobile devices, allowing its fans to engage in fast-paced, strategy-focused battles on the go. This guide offers detailed advice on mastering the game and finding affordable and cheap Wild Cores.

League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift is a mobile adaptation of a well-known game League of Legends on PC. It is developed by Riot Games, Wild Rift retains the core gameplay element of its PC counterpart and also adapts and optimizes for smartphones.

1.  Basics

Download and Installation

You can download Wild Rift from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and install it on your device. Create a Riot Games account or log in to an existing one to save your progress.

Tutorial and Practice

The game’s tutorial acquaints you with its basic mechanics, covering movement, combat, and objective gameplay. Additionally, you can hone your skills against AI opponents to grasp the fundamentals and experiment with various champions and roles.

Unlocking Champions

You can earn blue motes by simply playing the game or buying the premium currency also known as Wild Cores to unlock new champions. You can top up LOL Wild Rift from the U7BUY website here.

2. Champions and Roles


Wild Rift has an arsenal of champions that are of different playstyles with unique abilities.  5 classes are available

  • Tanks (Tanking Damage and pinning down opponents)
  • Mages (Dealing huge amount of magical damage late-game)
  • Assassins (Hunting down squishy targets like Marksmen, Support, or Mage)
  • Marksmen (Dealing high amount of damage late-game)
  • Support (Supporting ADC early game and then the entire team late-game)


Roles in Wild Rift are dependent on your lanes. In Wild Rift, it includes having a

  • Top Lane (Consists of Tank)
  • Jungle (Consists of Assassin)
  • Mid Lane (Consists of Mage)
  • Bot Lane (ADC) (Consists of Marksmen)
  • Support (Consists Supporting Legend)

Each lane has its responsibilities and assignments to fulfill to win the game easily.

4. Items Types

Types of Items

League of Legends: Wild Rift has a plethora of item choices that you can go around and purchase. Items are essential for increasing your legend’s survivability and damage. The build mainly depends on creating and countering against the opponent facing off against you in the early game. There are different types of items each of their passives.

  • Attack Damage Items (AD): Increases your physical damage that can be mainly used by the Marksmen or jungle.
  • Ability Power Items (AP): Increases your magical damage that is commonly used by the mages.
  • Health and Defense Items: Increases health and defense to survive longer than are commonly used by tanks.
  • Cooldown Reduction Items (CDR): Reduces cooldown of abilities that can be used with all of the legend’s high CD timers.
  • Movement Speed Items: Increases movement speed that is primarily focused on making first.
  • Lifesteal and Spell Vamp Items: Leeching of health from opponents either by using abilities or simply damaging them.
  • Armor Penetration or Magic Penetration Items: Ignores the Armor or Magic resistance to deal damage.

3. Map and Objectives

The Map

Wild Rift features a mirrored map with three lanes and a jungle area. Each lane features turrets and minions spawning in a set time. The Jungle is filled with neutral monsters and buffs on both sides.


A key objective of the game is destroying turrets, killing opponents, securing dragon and baron buffs, and lastly destroying the Nexus to win the game.

4. Gameplay Mechanics


Wild Rift offers a virtual joystick for movement and buttons for basic attacks, abilities, and summoner spells.

Last hitting

Landing the killing blow on minions earns gold and experience. Time your attack accordingly to land the final hit and maximize your income while also denying your opponents the final hit to gain an advantage over them.


Wards provide vision to an area deployed at. Learn about placing wards strategically in between bushes to avoid getting ganked, secure objectives, and gain control of important areas of the map.

5. Strategies and Tips

Team Communication

By communicating with your team, you can achieve success in Wild Rift. Use an in-game chat system to plan strategy with your team and call out objectives.

Map Awareness

Pay close to your map and call out missing enemies to avoid getting ganked by opponents. Place wards at key locations for vision to avoid getting ganked.

Objectives over Kills

Securing is important, but prioritizing objectives such as destroying the turret or taking barons or dragons provides global buffs to your team and contributes much more than kills.

6. Ranked Play

Climbing the Ranks

Playing competitive games tests your skills as an individual and your abilities as a team player. Climb the competitive ladder by earning rank points. Rank points can be earned by winning games and advancing through divisions and tiers to get to higher ranks.

Draft Picks

In ranked games, the participating players take turns to pick champions. You can choose to counter-pick champions that would work better against your opponent.

Role Flexibility

Learn to play multiple roles, so you can adapt to other champions easily if your main role and champion get picked or banned.

7. Events and Updates


Seasonal events, challenges, and promotions present opportunities to earn rewards such as champions, skins, and in-game currencies. Monitor the event calendar closely to ensure you don’t overlook these valuable opportunities.


Stay updated on patch updates, balance adjustments, and new content introductions in Wild Rift. By staying informed, you can anticipate changes and adapt your playstyle to maintain a competitive edge over your opponents.

8. Top-up Service

Wild Cores

Wild cores are the premium currency of Wild Rift and can be used to purchase champion skins and other in-game items.

Top up options

You can purchase Wild Core from the in-game store but that can be a bit expensive. However, you can top up Wild Rift from the U7BUY. The U7BUY website offers budget-friendly Wild Core prices that are affordable to its users.

Benefits of Top-ups

Buying Wild Cores, allows players to unlock certain content faster, purchase exclusive cosmetics, and support the development.

9. Wild Rift Account

Purchase cheap Account

Progressing in League of Legends: Wild Rift can require a considerable amount of time and effort to unlock cosmetics and champions within the game. To avoid that, U7BUY offers the service of Wild Rift account for sale that are worth spending money on. You can find an account with your favorite skins and champions already unlocked here on the U7BUY site.