The Ultimate Newbie Guide to Super Sus

super sus beginner guide

Have you been dabbling about with Super Sus and aren’t quite sure what to do next in the game? We’ve been there. Super Sus is not an easy game to learn, but it is a fun game to learn. You’ll probably play hundreds of games before you really start to understand how everything works. We suggest that you invest in a Super Sus top up with, so you can load your account with some game credits that will make your experience so much better. Trust us – you’ll really enjoy having access to more Super Sus roles and cosmetics.

Our goal here is to share some beginner tips with Super Sus with you. We won’t say that we will cover everything, since we really feel that people need to learn how to play Super Sus themselves. However, we’ll go over a good chunk of what you can expect in the game, hopefully helping you to become a far better player.

The Maps

As you play Super Sus, you’re going to go through multiple maps. Each one is unique, and has a different playstyle. Here are some tips for getting used to the maps in Super Sus:

  • Spend a good amount of time exploring each map in the game. You’ll find the best places to hide, as well as get an idea of where others may be hiding if you’re hunting them down. You should also learn where each of the tasks need to be carried out.
  • Try to follow people a bit on each map. You’ll get an idea of who is doing what, so you know who to be suspicious of.
  • Each map has its own unique gameplay. Learn about the special features on each map so you can use them to your advantage.

If you’re a new player to Super Sus, then you’ll likely be spending most of your time on the Spaceship map which, luckily enough, is the simplest to understand. You can get around easily. You’ll eventually progress to the Air Force Lab which requires very sneaky gameplay. Once you get to the 4th and final map, Giant Airship, you’ll need to put all your skills to use, as that map is huge, and there are so many movement options!


We won’t dive into how all of the roles work in Super Sus here, because there are far more extensive guides out there about that. However, we do suggest that you go through the roles in the game. Read what they do, and choose one or two that match your gameplay ideas. You can then play through these roles until you perfect them.

We don’t find jumping between the various Super Sus roles to be that beneficial, since you’ll never learn how to play one role effectively, this means that you’ll never win games, or have that much impact on your team.

Tips as an Imposter

In our opinion, playing as the imposter in Super Sus is one of the best experiences you can have. However, it is incredibly annoying when people suspect you to be the imposter, so you need to learn how to lie effectively this means:

  • Always have a decent excuse about why you were in certain areas. If you can’t come up with a reason for being there, then people will almost certainly call you an imposter.
  • You should never overly insist that you’re not the imposter. This is just too suspicious. If somebody claims that you’re the imposter in the game, then act like you’re surprised. Do not try to argue too heavily.

As a Crew Member

Playing as a crew member can be hard, especially if you have no idea who the imposter is. We suggest that you spend a bit of time following people around in the game, although don’t be too obvious about it, you don’t want to be accused of being the imposter, do you?

As you follow people around, keep an eye on how they are behaving. Are they completing tasks? Are they stalking other people?

Trust us, the more you end up playing Super Sus, the easier it is to spot the signs that somebody is an imposter. If you do eventually believe you’ve found the imposter, you best come up with some decent reasons to argue. Tell people why you believe they are the imposter, and share evidence. You’ll have a much bigger chance of getting people to agree with you.

The Game is Tricky to Master

While we like to consider ourselves experts now, it took us reading through a good Super Sus overview before we had any inkling about what needed to be done in the game, and that is when we started to get a few wins under our belts.