How to Swap Classes in FFXIV

Although it’s more than one decade old, the MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn remains one of gaming’s most pleasant surprises. What was once a failed project morphed into a truly epic online world, attracting millions of concurrent players. Even in 2023, the FFXIV is very active on YT and gaming forums, with more and more aspects taking the spotlight of its player-driven economy. 

The game is also fine-tuned for both solo and group play alike, with a gripping story mode and a myriad of shared instances demanding a methodical approach. That means that while you’re free to explore the world and build up your character as you see fit, some of the challenges are designed for teamwork. So, knowing how to master any of the FFXIV classes becomes more and more important for your in-game progress.

Picking a Class In FFXIV

There are four basic starting points (or disciplines) in FFXIV, which branch out into all of the game’s classes and jobs. Those disciplines are the Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic, Disciples of the Hand, and Disciples of the Land.

The first category focuses on doing physical damage, and classes like the Paladin, Gunbreaker, Dark Knight, the Monk, etc. are among the possible evolutions. Players opt for this discipline to craft DPS-oriented builds, be it as a front liner or as an archer landing precise shots from the back.

The Disciples of Magic focus on taming various arcane powers, allowing them to specialize in healing magic, summoning or destructive spells. Classes like the White Mage, Red Mage, and Scholar evolve from that starting point.

The remaining two disciples are not available at the start of the game, and their focus is on item crafting and resource collecting. However, once you’ve reached level 10 and completed a class-related quest you can switch to any of those classes as well.
The Disciples of the Hand category encompasses all of the crafting vocations in FFXIV. Jobs like Blacksmith, Carpenter and Alchemists belong here. Finally, the Disciples of the Land discipline rewards careful exploration of Eorzea. Classes like the Botanist and Fisher collect crafting materials from the wilderness, prepping them for later usage by the Disciples of the Hand.

Unlocking Classes in FFXIV

Playing FFXIV will be a different experience depending on the class you’ve settled for. Luckily, that is not a choice set in stone. Instead, after progressing to level 10, all players can access and complete the Adventurer’s Guild quest. Crossing that milestone unlocks all of the game’s classes and jobs. To swap to any other one, however, you’ll first have to chat with the receptionists at each of the respective classes’ Disciple Guilds.

From there, swapping to a different class can be done in an instant – the type of weapon you’re using is always tied to a specific class! For example, if you’re holding a sword and a shield at the moment, that means that you’re a Paladin (from the Tank class). So, if you were to equip a wand, you’d immediately swap to the White Mage vocation, and subsequently gain access to restorative magic and other supportive buffs.

Note that some of the FFXIV classes and jobs will require the completion of various class-specific quests, which gradually become accessible as you level up. Also, all class changes are followed by a prize of Gil, the basic in-game currency in the world of FFXIV.

Getting FFIXV Gil

FFXIV encourages player interaction and trading, which is mostly done with Gil, FFXIV’s equivalent to gold. Gil is earned by completing quests, by defeating enemies, or you can also buy Gil FFXIV from an online platform. Next, you can use the currency to buy almost any in-game weapon or item, which allows you to experience the title from different standpoints.

Crafting and selling the items you’ve created or gathered can be an effective way to garner Gil, but such activities are time-consuming as well. Buying and re-selling stuff from wandering NPC is another good option, especially if you can find the right buyer on time. Hard-to-obtain and rare weapons always attract high Gil amounts, most likely covering the necessary time investment for their acquisition. Also, observing the Market Board for cosmetic options and Glamour Plates is quite popular among the player base.

Regardless of how you choose to collect it, Gil is essential for uncovering everything Final Fantasy XIV has to offer. Curious players will have to obtain a class-specific weapon to try a new job in the first place, and those looking to min-max their build will also need Gil to trade with other players. Therefore, having quick access to cheap FFXIV Gil is a tried-and-true way to master any and all of the game’s 20 classes.