PUBG Mobile Beginner’s Guide

Learning the Battle Royale Basics

Before we dig into the PUBG Mobile Beginner’s Guide, let’s establish how this video game genre works.

Indeed, the original PUBG is one of the first options that took their risk with this type of gameplay. When you start a “new game,” you load the map traveling inside an airplane. Right from the beginning, you need to parachute yourself down into an unknown location. Suddenly, you discover that other players are in a similar situation, ready to engage.

The whole point is to survive as much as possible. For that matter, we give you tips to enhance your gameplay.

PUBG Mobile Beginner’s Guide

From this point onward, you’ll see multiple positive suggestions inside the PUBG Mobile Guide. Remember that, like anything else, you need time to learn the good stuff and become a master.

Download and Play

Getting the video game is easy. You only need to search “PUBG Mobile” in your virtual market (Google Play or iOS Store), tap the icon, and download the files. If you’re having trouble with this part, you might need to upgrade your mobile device or free up storage space.

Also, if you have an “above average” computer, you can find an Android emulator and play PUBG Mobile on your PC.

Learn the PUBG Mobile Controls

Once you have the video game running, the next part is checking how you move the character. Since you’re using a handheld device, you don’t need extra peripherals. Instead, you have “commands” appearing on your screen that do “something” when you tap. If you feel uncomfortable, you can change things with the “Settings” options.

Furthermore, you could add a controller by pairing it with the Bluetooth option. For example, if you have an Xbox Console, you could take the gamepad and set things up.

Using the Mini-Map Occasionally

One of the powerful tools inside PUBG Mobile is the little map on one of the edges. That tiny part of your screen will give you enough information to plan good strategies as you try to survive. Without a doubt, one of the advanced tips inside this PUBG Mobile Beginner’s Guide is to know how to read the map.

With that information, you can plan your starting route, flank or surprise your enemies or find ways to run and cover. Furthermore, the mini-map shows how the Safe Zones set the path in a single playthrough. You also get location hints from another player.

Above all, the mini-map gives you enough hints to plan your strategy and set a winning course.

Manage Your Inventory

As you drop into the map, you’ll hopefully find weapons that will help you defend against any threats. Always keep in mind what you’re grabbing from the ground. Some guns only work with the right amount of ammo. Furthermore, you’ll need healing items to regenerate your health bar.

As you move through the map, you’ll find wide backpacks that will help you increase your inventory. When you reach this point, you might want to grab another weapon and increase the number of bullets.

Pick The Propper Landing

Like any other Battle Royale in the market, you have two options with their cons and pros.

First, you could land in the middle of the map. Following this strategy,  you’ll start with all the violence. The good part is that you’ll gather great gear, which helps in the late game. In contrast, you will find more players, and you could lose quickly.

Secondly, you could search for the edges and land there. The plus side is that you will avoid many threats and move freely. The down part is the lower chance of finding powerful equipment as you travel to close encounters.

PUBG Mobile Top Up

After all this new information from the PUBG Mobile Guide, you can tell right now if this video game has potential. You burn as many gaming sessions in here since it’s a free-to-play game. But you could support the developers as you grab the PUBG Mobile Top Up bonuses.

Grab as many cosmetic goods from this video game, thanks to the in-game UC (Unknown Cash) virtual currency.

Wrapping Up

The last hint of the PUBG Mobile Baginner’s Guide is to persevere. As you give more gaming sessions to this mobile game, you’ll soon become familiar with the gameplay elements. You could also search for YouTube tutorials or Twitch live streams. The more you discover from this topic, the better for you.

Keep the hope as high as possible, and you’ll soon find yourself eating a lot of chicken at dinner.