1.  Offsite trade is absolutely prohibited on U7BUY. Offsite trade will not receive any assurance from U7BUY either in mediation or indemnification as we are not liable for the actions of individuals taken outside of our trading platform.

Any sellers found doing so :

1) Will have their U7BUY account permanently banned,

2)Your entire account and its contents will be revoked (including any available funds in the account).

2.  All communication and correspondence between the seller and the buyer must be done through the U7BUY Chat. Refrain from chatting on other tools. Seller are not allowed to ask for or provide personal chating tool information. Seller will get a warning for offering offsite chat, and an account ban as appropriate.

3.  Sellers are prohibited from clicking "Complete" on an order before the delivery is actually done, or even asking the buyer to confirm receipt. Once found, they will be warned once, and three warnings will result in the account being blocked.

4.  If a seller does not fulfill the order according to the delivery method as stated in the order, the seller is fully liable in the event of a trade dispute and U7BUY reserves the right to take appropriate action including but not limited to refunding the order to the buyer.

5.  It is prohibited to offer incentive for positive reviews or force buyers to cancel disputes/delete negative reviews. If reported by a buyer and the situation is true, you will be warned once.

6.  Sellers are required to be courteous during all communications with a buyer. Any form of harassment including but not limited to threats of violence is prohibited. Buyers should immediately report to U7BUY support if they encounter sellers who violate this policy.

7.  Automatic delivery orders cannot be filled with false information. If more than 3 false information are found, the seller will be warned once.

8.  If there are unresolved orders or disputes when the seller withdraws money, U7BUY will not approve it. The seller needs to resolve the existing problematic orders before withdrawing money.

9.  In the case where the product is described as a blind box product, the seller must pay attention to the accuracy of the product description and it should not be too different from the actual situation, otherwise the seller will be fully responsible for an dispute.

10.  Some orders might be invisible temporarily because of buyer verification. Do not process the delivery without seeing the orders on your list.

11.  The seller is fully liable in the event of delivering an order without changing order status to "Delivering" , these orders might be cancelled by buyer.

12.  The seller is fully liable in delivering an order which has been cancelled by the buyer.

13.  If a trade dispute or chargeback arise due to reasons that is caused by the sellers, such as delivery delay, product that does not work, or did not upload proof of delivery as required, sellers are liable for all cost and damages associated with such disputes.

14.  Sellers must change the status of completed orders in a timely manner. Orders that exceed the promised delivery time by 3 days and have not been changed will be cancelled and refunded to the buyer.

15.  For boosting products, seller needs to ensure the security of the buyer's account. If the account is banned/blocked during the boosting process or within 24 hours after completion, the seller must refund the order.

16.  The seller should be responsible for the quality of the products they sell. They are not allowed to write words such as "We are not responsible for the quality of the products. Recently, a large number of accounts have been banned by the official. Sellers are not responsible if any accounts are banned" in the product description. If any problems occur, a refund will be processed.

17.  Sellers are not allowed to register multiple accounts to purchase their own listings. If this happens, the seller will be severely punished or even banned.