How to edit my store's name and avatar?
2024-01-10 11:47
How to edit my store's name and avatar?
1. Click "Sell" on the upper right side in to enter seller store.
2. Head to "Store Setting"
① Store name can only be changed for 1 time.
② No U7BUY content can be shown in avatar or store name.(Ex: You cant edit a u7buy logo in avatar and you can't edit store name like u7buy store/ u7shop/ u7official etc)
1. Click "Sell" on the upper right side in to enter seller store.
2. Head to "Store Setting"
3. Click "Edit" so that you can edit store name and avatar.
① Store name can only be changed for 1 time.
② No U7BUY content can be shown in avatar or store name.(Ex: You cant edit a u7buy logo in avatar and you can't edit store name like u7buy store/ u7shop/ u7official etc)